Poject Name


Problem Statement

This task shouldn’t take more than 1-2 hours to complete. The goal is not to have a fully implemented solution, Work-in-progress is more than enough! We just want to see how would you approach this challenge. Working with 3rd party systems and APIs would be a big chunk of your work at Vendo. As you’ve heard Vendo originated from Spree Commerce. Our database schema is very similar and we’re fully compatible with Spree APIs. The main objective of this task: Create a super simple Ruby wrapper for Spree API to support: Connect to Spree Storefront APIs - https://api.spreecommerce.org/docs/api-v2/YXBpOjMxMjQ5NjA-storefront-api - there’s no authentication needed for Storefront API Create a cart - https://api.spreecommerce.org/docs/api-v2/b3A6MzE0Mjc0NQ-create-a-cart Add an Item to the Cart - https://api.spreecommerce.org/docs/api-v2/b3A6MzE0Mjc0Nw-add-an-item-to-cart It would be great to see some basic test coverage This can be a ruby library or code embedded into a rails project, whatever is easier/faster to set it up for you You can test against demo.spreecommerce.org - no need to set up the entire thing locally After finishing your work please push it to GitHub, great git history of changes is a indicator of good software craftsmanship Please share access to the repo with “damianlegawiec” user for review

Built With

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.


  • ruby 2.6.5
  • rails 6.1.5


  1. Clone the repo and cd into it
git clone https://github.com/salmanali23/vendo-spree-api
cd vendo-spree-api
  1. Install the gems bundle install
  2. Start the server rails s
  3. Run test suits rspec

API Collection

Create Cart

POST http://localhost:3000/api/v1/carts


    "id": 1,
    "cart_id": 12928,
    "data": {
        "number": "R710727297",
        "item_total": "0.0",
        "total": "0.0",
        "ship_total": "0.0",
        "adjustment_total": "0.0",
        "created_at": "2022-03-21T06:10:40.258-05:00",
        "updated_at": "2022-03-21T06:10:40.258-05:00",
        "completed_at": null,
        "included_tax_total": "0.0",
        "additional_tax_total": "0.0",
        "display_additional_tax_total": "$0.00",
        "display_included_tax_total": "$0.00",
        "tax_total": "0.0",
        "currency": "USD",
        "state": "cart",
        "token": "5WHAtEmPBXef1J2f-DLauA1647861040253",
        "email": null,
        "display_item_total": "$0.00",
        "display_ship_total": "$0.00",
        "display_adjustment_total": "$0.00",
        "display_tax_total": "$0.00",
        "promo_total": "0.0",
        "display_promo_total": "$0.00",
        "item_count": 0,
        "special_instructions": null,
        "display_total": "$0.00",
        "pre_tax_item_amount": "0.0",
        "display_pre_tax_item_amount": "$0.00",
        "pre_tax_total": "0.0",
        "display_pre_tax_total": "$0.00",
        "shipment_state": null,
        "payment_state": null
    "metadata": {
        "relationships": {
            "line_items": {
                "data": []
            "variants": {
                "data": []
            "promotions": {
                "data": []
            "payments": {
                "data": []
            "shipments": {
                "data": []
            "user": {
                "data": null
            "billing_address": {
                "data": null
            "shipping_address": {
                "data": null
    "created_at": "2022-03-21T11:10:40.266Z",
    "updated_at": "2022-03-21T11:10:40.266Z"

Add Item to cart

POST http://localhost:3000/api/v1/carts/:id/add_item
Parameter Type Description
id integer 1
variant_id integer 1
quantity integer 2


    "data": {
        "number": "R710727297",
        "item_total": "121.98",
        "total": "121.98",
        "ship_total": "0.0",
        "adjustment_total": "0.0",
        "created_at": "2022-03-21T06:10:40.258-05:00",
        "updated_at": "2022-03-21T06:14:05.567-05:00",
        "completed_at": null,
        "included_tax_total": "0.0",
        "additional_tax_total": "0.0",
        "display_additional_tax_total": "$0.00",
        "display_included_tax_total": "$0.00",
        "tax_total": "0.0",
        "currency": "USD",
        "state": "cart",
        "token": "5WHAtEmPBXef1J2f-DLauA1647861040253",
        "email": null,
        "display_item_total": "$121.98",
        "display_ship_total": "$0.00",
        "display_adjustment_total": "$0.00",
        "display_tax_total": "$0.00",
        "promo_total": "0.0",
        "display_promo_total": "$0.00",
        "item_count": 2,
        "special_instructions": null,
        "display_total": "$121.98",
        "pre_tax_item_amount": "121.98",
        "display_pre_tax_item_amount": "$121.98",
        "pre_tax_total": "121.98",
        "display_pre_tax_total": "$121.98",
        "shipment_state": null,
        "payment_state": null
    "metadata": {
        "relationships": {
            "line_items": {
                "data": [
                        "id": "6719",
                        "type": "line_item"
            "variants": {
                "data": [
                        "id": "1",
                        "type": "variant"
            "promotions": {
                "data": []
            "payments": {
                "data": []
            "shipments": {
                "data": []
            "user": {
                "data": null
            "billing_address": {
                "data": null
            "shipping_address": {
                "data": null
    "id": 1,
    "cart_id": 12928,
    "created_at": "2022-03-21T11:10:40.266Z",
    "updated_at": "2022-03-21T11:14:05.657Z"