
POC of a virtual desktop infra in Kubernetes

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

💻 ☸️ 🛠 (VDI in Kubernetes POC)

VDI = Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

Screenshot of running instance

What this POC does:

  • Build and Deploy a ubuntu based container with a gui, and some dev tools in it
  • Target infra is minikube for demo
  • Provides a http endpoint for the desktop, that can be accessed in a browser
  • Sidecar docker-in-docker so the dev can do docker builds/runs and such in their machine, perhaps even deploy KIND and then maybe deploy this VDI in that, and cause the universe to explode with the levels of inception 🤯 - I didn't try that.

What this POC doesn't do (oh boy)

  • auth, I figured this would happen with a JWT being issued by something like keycloak wired up to the AD, and then use sidecar proxy pattern to bounce requests before they hit the gui container
  • least privilege, I started looking into things like dind:rootless and making the gui run without privilage, but I didn't polish any of that, so haven't committed it
  • persistence, easy to solve but I've not thought about providing user workspaces for them to put their code
  • scheduling, we don't really need the containers running all the time, so something like kube-downscaler could be used to turn off machines out of working hours
  • scaling, this will be an interesting one, and maybe require a custom scheduler, it'll be a bit like knative in that it'd be event driven; it'll need to startup and keep alive one vdi pod per unique userid based on the JWT token
  • notifications, probably want someway to signal to the user that you're de/rescheduling their vdi, so give them a chance to save their work before it goes bye bye
  • healthchecks, right now it checks if the webserver for novnc is running, but it could probably check a bit more like if x is running so that scheduler can restart it when it fails
  • rhel people like RHEL, I made this work in ubuntu because it was the path of least resistance though it could be readily refactored to centos/rhel based
  • graphics, I've not got any hardware acceleration, given the use case this is probably ok
  • audit, vnc is easy to record, so something like vncproxy or vnc-recorder operating in a sidecar would be a good fit
  • transit security, another sidecar process with the tls certs would be fine for this for internal tls within the kubernetes cluster

Tested on my macbook, this should hopefully start up minikube, build the docker image in the minikube docker daemon, run a single deployment, then open a browser showing the whole thing 🤞