
Redmine's Time & Expense Plugin

Primary LanguageRuby


This Plugin has the following modules: 1) Time & Expense

Submit Time & Expense Sheets
Approve Time & Expense Sheets
Print Time & Expense Sheets

2) Attendance

Clock In / Clock Out
Check Leave Status
Integrate with Attendance / Time clock devices
Attendance Report

3) PayRoll

Setup Payroll data
Generate Salary
Report  Salary Register
Report  Salary Slip

4) Billing

Setup Billable Projects
Generate Invoices
Print Invoices

5) Accounting Create Ledgers Post Financial Transaction

Report – Balance Sheet
Report – Profit & Loss A/c Report

For more information on features, please refer to the user guide www.adhisoftware.co.in/wp-content/uploads/ERPmine-User-Guide.pdf INSTALLATION: Unpack the zip file to the plugins folder of Redmine. Starting from version 1.2, it requires db migration. So run the following command for db migration

rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_wktime RAILS_ENV=production

When uninstalling the plugin, be sure to remove the db changes by running

rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_wktime VERSION=0 RAILS_ENV=production

This plugin uses js and css assets and it will be copied to public/plugin_asset/redmine_wktime folder upon server startup, so please make sure public/plugin_asset/redmine_wktime has proper access. The pdf export requires rmagick gem.

Starting from version 1.5, it requires the gem rufus-scheduler. so run the following command to install the gem bundle install For rufus-scheduler to work , the rails application should be up all the time. If an apache passenger module is used then make sure the following settings are made a) PassengerMinInstances 1 b) RailsAppSpawnerIdleTime 0 c) PassengerPreStart rails-app-url/

Release Notes for 2.6 Features: - Accounting module is introduced. BugFixing: - Could not Clock in/out when application runs from sub directory.

Customization: For any Customization/Support, please contact us, our consulting team will be happy to help you

Adhi Software Pvt Ltd www.adhisoftware.co.in info@adhisoftware.co.in +1 732 202 5490 +91 44 27470401 +91 44 27470402

Here are the Customizations we have done for our clients: 1. Monthly Calendar - Puny Human 2. Supervisor Approvals - Fotonation 3. Hide Modules and Limit Non Submission Mail - Lyra Network Please provide your rating at www.redmine.org/plugins/wk-time Resources: User guide: www.adhisoftware.co.in/wp-content/uploads/ERPmine-User-Guide.pdf

Overview presentation in open office format: www.adhisoftware.co.in/wp-content/uploads/TE-Overview.odp

Training Videos: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P2W4ujSoYM www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTgDepFzGXY www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptsBIiEQo6E www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFlYw-ZpiYI www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PU4oJy3LwI www.youtube.com/watch?v=RecxTps_jws www.youtube.com/watch?v=BptCOCWgivY For more: www.adhisoftware.co.in/products/erpmine/resources/