
We will create Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml files purely hands-on from sratch to run Node API and cache the content with Redis.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


We will create Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml files purely hands-on from sratch to run Node API and cache the content with Redis.


note: first time it will load data from server and second or more times will be loaded from cache until its expired.

docker ps -a # list of all running/stopped/exited containers
docker images -a # list of images
docker volume ls # list of volumes
docker network ls # list of networks
docker network inspect bridge # inepect about bridge network

docker-compose up -d # start container at background
docker-compose down -v # shutdown/remove container with volumes

# check logs to see error, if containers don't work
docker logs redis
docker logs api

docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq) # remove all images if linked to stopped/removed containers
docker system prune -a --volumes # cleanup/remove everything (images, containers, volumes & etc) in one go

Useful links