
ERD MyGram is a final project from DTS Kominfo FGA, to build instagram clone API that allows users to store and comment on photos of other users. It is built using the Gin Gonic framework and Gorm ORM in Go.

Table of Contents


  • Go version 1.15 or higher
  • PostgreSQL (13 or higher)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Change to the project directory:

    cd my-gram
  3. Open the .env file and update the necessary environment variables.

    • PORT example: PORT=3000 means the application will listen on port 3000 for incoming requests.

    • DB_HOST example: DB_HOST=localhost or DB_HOST= for a local database server.

    • DB_USER example: DB_USER=mygram_user for the database user.

    • DB_PASSWORD example: DB_PASSWORD=myp@ssword for the database password.

    • DB_PORT example: DB_PORT=5432 for the default PostgreSQL port.

    • DB_NAME example: DB_NAME=mygram_db for the database name.

    • DEBUG_MODE example: DEBUG_MODE=false to disable debug mode or DEBUG_MODE=true to enable debug mode.

  4. Install the dependencies:

    go get
  5. Run the application:

    go run main.go

API Documentation

Postman Documentation

The Postman documentation for MyGram can be found here It provides detailed information on how to interact with the API endpoints using Postman.

Swagger Documentation

MyGram also includes Swagger documentation that provides a graphical interface to explore and interact with

  1. Make sure that you have already installed and running the MyGram application

  2. Run the application

  3. Open a web browser and go to the Swagger URL for MyGram, at http://localhost:3000/swagger/index.html if you are running the application locally on your machine.

ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)




  • Register [POST]

    Register a new user.

  • Login [POST]

    Login with a registered user.

Social Media

  • GetAll [GET]

    Get all social media posts.

  • GetOne [GET]

    Get a specific social media post.

  • CreateSocialMedia [POST]

    Create a new social media post.

  • UpdateSocialMedia [PUT]

    Update an existing social media post.

  • DeleteSocialMedia [DELETE]

    Delete a social media post.


  • GetAll [GET]

    Get all photos.

  • GetOne [GET]

    Get a specific photo.

  • CreatePhoto [POST]

    Upload a new photo.

  • UpdatePhoto [PUT]

    Update an existing photo.

  • DeletePhoto [DELETE]

    Delete a photo.


  • GetAll [GET]

    Get all comments.

  • GetOne [GET]

    Get a specific comment.

  • CreateComment [POST]

    Create a new comment.

  • UpdateComment [PUT]

    Update an existing comment.

  • DeleteComment [DELETE]

    Delete a comment.


This project uses the following third-party libraries:

  • Gin Gonic framework (
  • Gorm ORM (
  • jwt-go (
  • crypto (