
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Templated module generator

Templated module generator is tool for generating multiple files from template. It allows to create connected files that are part of some "module" like MVC classes. It allows to create structure of new "module" without typing a lot of code.


  • Allows to create module based on workspace structure or paste some "module" into specified location
  • Allows to use input variables to generate code with required names
  • Allows to use calculated variables using JavaScript and another variables
  • Allows to add special registration code
  • Json schema for config

Simple setup of extension

To use this extension you need to create file with name '.templateGenerator.json' in the workspace directory. This this describes what templates you want to use. Below there is example of such file

    "name": "Module",
    "type": "workspace",
    "path": "templates/module",
    "variables": [
        "name": "nameOfModule",
        "prompt": "Input name of module"
        "name": "nameOfModuleCamel",
        "input": false,
        "expression": "camelCase(nameOfModule)"
        "name": "curDate",
        "input": false,
        "expression": "new Date().toString()"
    "actions": [
        "type": "insertTemplateToFile",
        "fileName": "{{workspace_directory}}/index.js",
        "snippet": "// end list of modules init",
        "template": "init{{nameOfModule}}Module(modelsFacade),",
        "position": "before"
        "type": "insertTemplateToFile",
        "fileName": "{{workspace_directory}}/index.js",
        "snippet": "// end import modules",
        "template": "import { init{{nameOfModule}}Module } from './src/Modules/{{nameOfModule}}/{{nameOfModule}}Module';",
        "position": "before"

Also you can move template description into separate file and link it into '.templateGenerator.json' using import statment

{ "import": "../templates/application.json" }

Where value of import property is path to json file with template description.

Config file contains array of descriptions of templates. Each template has

  • name of template
  • type of template (workspace or local)
  • path to templates directory
  • descriptions of variables
  • descriptions of post generation actions

"Workspace" template means that template that is defined with structure of whole workspace. E.g. if workspace has structure


then files in the template directory must follow structure like this


If template type is "local" then all templates files with structure will be generated in the place where you click to generate code. E.g. You template module has structure


Workspace structure is following


When you click in context menu of modules directory "Generate templated module" you will generate new module inside of modules directory.

So you workspace will be



Templates are files with code with placeholders for variables. Placeholders are set using double braces. e.g. {{myVariable}}. Spaces in braces are not allowed.

Example of templated file

// generated at {{curDate}}
import { {{nameOfModule}}DataAccess } from './{{nameOfModule}}DataAccess';
import { ModelsFacade } from '../../models/ModelsFacade';
import { {{nameOfModule}}Service } from './{{nameOfModule}}Service';
import { set{{nameOfModule}}Service } from './{{nameOfModuleCamel}}Controller.socket';

export const init{{nameOfModule}}Module = async (modelsFacade: ModelsFacade) => {
  const dataAccess = new {{nameOfModule}}DataAccess(modelsFacade);
  const {{nameOfModuleCamel}}Service = new {{nameOfModule}}Service(dataAccess);

You can use any number of variables in templates.

You can setup multiple templates so when you choose to generate module you will see selection of templates to generate select template


Variables are part of templates that is inputed or calculated. By default all variables are inputed until theres is no field "input": false. So you need to input variables by hand. input variable When variable must be input then you can set prompt to describe meaning of the variable. If variable is not inputed you must set field "expression": "some expression". Expressions are javascript code with additional build-in functions:

  • camelCase
  • pascalCase
  • snakeCase
  • dashCase
  • fileContent
  • workspaceToAbsolutePath
  • absoluteToWorkspacePath
  • pathJoin

There are also 2 build-in variables workspace_directory and context_directory. Variable context_directory is set only for templates with type "local".

E.g. it is possible to calculate varibale nextId with expression (parseInt(fileContent(pathJoin(workspace_directory, 'build.number'))) + 1).toString) There is not possibility to use external libraries in calculations.

You can use variables in name of files of the templates. I.e. your file can be file{{module}}Name.js and name will be generated for variable module=foo -> filefooName.js.

Post generation actions

After successfl generation code it is possible to run some actin to configure this code. Currently there are following generation actions: insertTemplateToFile, runCommand, npmInstall. All of actions have property type

  • type - type of action. Can be only insertTemplateToFile, runCommand, npmInstall

Insert template to file

It inserts some pattern into file after or before specified line. Description of this action.

  "type": "insertTemplateToFile",
  "fileName": "{{workspace_directory}}/index.js",
  "snippet": "// end list of modules init",
  "template": "init{{nameOfModule}}Module(modelsFacade),",
  "position": "before"
  • fileName - file where to add template. Can contains variables
  • snippet - pattern to search in the fileName. It is place to insert temlate
  • template - what to insert. template can contains variables
  • position - can be one of "before" and "after". Before means insert in the previous line of snippet. After means on next line of snippet

Run command

It runs command in terminal

  "type": "runCommand",
  "cmd": "run my command"
  • cmd - command string to execute in terminal

NPM install

It installs npm package

  "type": "npmInstall",
  "packages": "eslint",
  "dev": "false"
  • packages - Name of packages to install with version if needed
  • dev - Optional. True to install dev dependency

How To use

Just call from context menu for the directory you want to apply new template. call template generator

Key bindings

You can set key binding in settings for command salos.module.generator.


If you have any requirements or dependencies, add a section describing those and how to install and configure them.