
AWS Lambda Node runtime helpers for Architect apps

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Runtime helper library for serverless apps built with [Architect][npm]

GitHub CI status

Check out the full docs: arc.codes


npm i @architect/functions


let {
  events,   // @events pub/sub
  http,     // @http middleware + tools
  queues,   // @queues pub/sub
  services, // Architect resource / service discovery
  static,   // @static asset helper
  tables,   // @tables DynamoDB helper methods + API client
  ws,       // @ws WebSocket helper + API client
} = require('@architect/functions')


@events methods

@http methods

@queues methods

Service discovery

@static methods

  • static()

@tables methods

@ws methods

  • ws.send()
  • ws.close()
  • ws.info()
  • ws._api