
An investigation into running computer vision use-cases at the edge.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

My Computer Vision Experiment

I recently watched a Build a restaurant edge solution with Google Cloud on YouTube, and was really interested in the Dining Room Cleanliness Scenario and wondered how hard it would be to create something that would be able to perform this Computer Vision use-case.

If you're interested in working though this with me, you'll need the following items:

  • Debian Linux Machine with Camera (USB or Built-in)
  • Google Cloud Account for the Model Training
  • Coral USB TPU
  • Network Enabled Camera with RTSP suport.

Dealing with myu investigations in sequence,

  1. Can I capture Video and Display this on the Screen.
  2. Can I use TensorFlow Lite to do Object Identification on the Video Stream.
  3. Can I use a Network Attached Video Camera instead of a USB WebCam to stream the video for the Object Identification Workflow.
  4. Can I train a customer TensorFlow model to recongnize something I may be interested in, such as a Dirty Table, or in my case a Dog Toy.
  5. Is it possible to make this Object Identification TensorFlow Model run faster with a connected TPU.

Step 0 - Prepare Debian Linux Machine

pip3 install tflite_support
pip3 install opencv-python

Step 1 - Capturing a video stream from a USB webcam.

To run through this use-case I used Python code, and made use of the OpenCV module:

Here is the initial code that can be found in this repo here

Step 2 - Object Identification on the video stream

To expand on the previous example, I included a TensorFlow lite model to analysing each frame, and drawing rectangles on the image identifying each object.

Download the model TensorFlow Lite model:

curl \
  -L 'https://tfhub.dev/tensorflow/lite-model/efficientdet/lite0/detection/metadata/1?lite-format=tflite' \
  -o 'efficientdet_lite0.tflite'

Here is the initial code that can be found in this repo here

Step 3 - Object Identification on a video stream from a network attached camera

To test this out I ordered a cheap network attached webcam from Amazon that supports the RTSP protocol. This really could be any camera, but this was the one I found:

Sonoff Wi-Fi Wireless IP Security Camera

You then need to create the RTSP address which looks like this:


The details from my camera are:

  • Username: rtsp
  • Password: 12345678
  • IP Address:
  • Port: 554

The rest of the URL I had to obtain from searching the internet.

You can test this with VLC Media Player by opening a Network and entering the URL. If its correct you should see the output from the Camera.

My camera was reaching out to IP addresses on the internet, and as I didn't want to use any cloud related functions I prevented its access to the Internet by putting it behind a firewall.

Here is the code with now processing the RTSP stream in this repo here

Step 4 - Training a model to identify something of interest to me (aka a Toy)

Step 4.1 - Collecting the Images for Training

First I needed pictures of the Toy. As I wanted to replicate using images that were able to be obtained by monitoring my camera, so I could train it on the same type of images that would be seen by the camera.

I wanted to save a photo when the SPACE key was pressed and save these photos for later learning.

You can see the code changes for this in this repo here

Step 4.2 - Training the model

Once I gathered enough photos now I need to train the model.

To enable quick training of a new model, I decided to use Vertex AI.

First I created a new Cloud Storage account and copied the files to the new bucket. We also need to create a list of all the files for import with the path to the files in the format gs://bucketname/filename

Here is an example of the filew contents:


Now we have the files, and a list of the files, we can create a Vertex AI dataset

Step 5 - Does an Edge TPU help with performance?

I ordered a Coral USB TPU online from Amazon

Coral USB