MARS: Motion-Augmented RGB Stream for Action Recognition

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

MARS: Motion-Augmented RGB Stream for Action Recognition

By Nieves Crasto, Philippe Weinzaepfel, Karteek Alahari and Cordelia Schmid

MARS is a strategy to learn a stream that takes only RGB frames as input but leverages both appearance and motion information from them. This is achieved by training a network to minimize the loss between its features and the Flow stream, along with the cross entropy loss for recognition. For more details, please refer to our CVPR 2019 paper and our website.

We release the testing code along trained models.

Citing MARS

  title={{MARS: Motion-Augmented RGB Stream for Action Recognition}},
  author={Crasto, Nieves and Weinzaepfel, Philippe and Alahari, Karteek and Schmid, Cordelia},


  1. Requirements
  2. Datasets
  3. Models
  4. Testing


conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch
  • ffmpeg version 3.2.4

  • OpenCV with GPU support (will not be providing support in compiling this part)

  • Directory tree

           ../(dirs of class names)
               ../(dirs of video names)
           ../(.pth files)


python utils1/extract_frames.py path_to_video_files path_to_extracted_frames start_class end_class
  • To extract optical flows + frames from videos
    • Build
    export OPENCV=path_where_opencv_is_installed
    g++ -std=c++11 tvl1_videoframes.cpp -o tvl1_videoframes -I${OPENCV}include/opencv4/ -L${OPENCV}lib64 -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_core -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_cudaoptflow -lopencv_cudaarithm
    python utils1/extract_frames_flows.py path_to_video_files path_to_extracted_flows_frames start_class end_class gpu_id


Trained models can be found here. The names of the models are in the form of


RGB_Kinetics_16f.pth indicates --modality RGB --dataset Kinetics --sample_duration 16

For HMDB51 and UCF101, we have only provided trained models for the first split.

Testing script

For RGB stream:

python test_single_stream.py --batch_size 1 --n_classes 51 --model resnext --model_depth 101 \
--log 0 --dataset HMDB51 --modality RGB --sample_duration 16 --split 1 --only_RGB  \
--resume_path1 "trained_models/HMDB51/RGB_HMDB51_16f.pth" \
--frame_dir "dataset/HMDB51" \
--annotation_path "dataset/HMDB51_labels" \
--result_path "results/"

For Flow stream:

python test_single_stream.py --batch_size 1 --n_classes 51 --model resnext --model_depth 101 \
--log 0 --dataset HMDB51 --modality Flow --sample_duration 16 --split 1  \
--resume_path1 "trained_models/HMDB51/Flow_HMDB51_16f.pth" \
--frame_dir "dataset/HMDB51" \
--annotation_path "dataset/HMDB51_labels" \
--result_path "results/"

For single stream MARS:

python test_single_stream.py --batch_size 1 --n_classes 51 --model resnext --model_depth 101 \
--log 0 --dataset HMDB51 --modality RGB --sample_duration 16 --split 1 --only_RGB  \
--resume_path1 "trained_models/HMDB51/MARS_HMDB51_16f.pth" \
--frame_dir "dataset/HMDB51" \
--annotation_path "dataset/HMDB51_labels" \
--result_path "results/"

For two streams RGB+MARS:

python test_two_stream.py --batch_size 1 --n_classes 51 --model resnext --model_depth 101 \
--log 0 --dataset HMDB51 --modality RGB --sample_duration 16 --split 1 --only_RGB  \
--resume_path1 "trained_models/HMDB51/RGB_HMDB51_16f.pth" \
--resume_path2 "trained_models/HMDB51/MARS_HMDB51_16f.pth" \
--frame_dir "dataset/HMDB51" \
--annotation_path "dataset/HMDB51_labels" \
--result_path "results/"

For two streams RGB+Flow:

python test_two_stream.py --batch_size 1 --n_classes 51 --model resnext --model_depth 101 \
--log 0 --dataset HMDB51 --modality RGB_Flow --sample_duration 16 --split 1 \
--resume_path1 "trained_models/HMDB51/RGB_HMDB51_16f.pth" \
--resume_path2 "trained_models/HMDB51/Flow_HMDB51_16f.pth" \
--frame_dir "dataset/HMDB51/HMDB51_frames/" \
--annotation_path "dataset/HMDB51_labels" \
--result_path "results/"