
Produces a Docker image that can be used to convert test output produced by Istanbul, Mocha, AVA, or Newman to a SonarQube-compatible format and send it on to SonarQube for processing.

Primary LanguageXSLT


Produces a Docker image that can be used to convert test output produced by Istanbul, Mocha, AVA, or Newman to a SonarQube-compatible format and send it on to SonarQube for processing.


Gitlab Example


  - install
  - test
  - report

# snip

  stage: test
  image: node:lts-alpine
    - cd src/application
    - npm run lint
    - npm run coverage
    - npm run report
      - .coverage/
      - .mocha_output/

  stage: report
  image: salte/sonarqube-reporter:latest
    - convert -f mocha -i .mocha_output/results.xml -o .mocha_output/sonar.xml
    - sonar-scanner -Dsonar.projectKey=$CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG -Dsonar.sources=src/application/main -Dsonar.tests=src/application/tests -Dsonar.testExecutionReportPaths=.mocha_output/sonar.xml -Dsonar.javascript.lcov.reportPaths=.coverage/lcov.info -Dsonar.host.url=$SONARQUBE_URL -Dsonar.login=$SONARQUBE_TOKEN


  "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint . --ext js --ignore-path ../../.gitignore",
    "coverage": "nyc --reporter=lcov --report-dir=../../.coverage --temp-dir=../../.nyc_output mocha --recursive-tests --reporter mocha-sonar-generic-reporter --reporter-options outputFile=../../.mocha_output/results.xml",
    "report": ""
  "devDependencies": {
    "eslint": "^6.8.0",
    "mocha": "^7.1.2",
    "mocha-sonar-generic-reporter": "0.0.3",
    "nyc": "15.0.1"
  // snip

Variable Reference

Name Description
SONAR_SCANNER_HOME This variable is defined within the Docker image and points to the base directory where the sonarqube scanner was installed.
CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG This variable is defined by Gitlab itself and points to the Gitlab project namespace and name lowercased with any whitespace replaced with hyphens. This example assumes a convention where the SonarQube project key is equal to this value.
SONARQUBE_URL This variable is assumed to be set in a Gitlab variable and contains the HTTPS endpoint of the SonarQube server.
SONARQUBE_TOKEN This variable is assumed to be set in a Gitlab variable and contains a security token that allows the CI/CD pipeline to send test results to the specified project hosted on SonarQube.