This extension provides commands and related editor context-menu items to execute Dafny command-line executable in the terminal window.
Commands and Editor Context-Menu Items
Command and Context Menu Item
Key Binding
Dafny CLI: Verify Current Symbol
Execute the Dafny verifier in the terminal with the parameter /proc set to the innermost function/method/lemma/constructor symbol enclosing the current cursor position. If no symbol is detected, then /proc is set to the word where the cursor is positioned.
Ctrl + Shift + v
Dafny CLI: Verify Current Symbol with Trace
As Dafny CLI: Verify Current Symbol, except that the /trace option is added when running the Dafny command-line executable
Ctrl + Shift + t
Dafny CLI: Verify File
Execute the Dafny verifier in the terminal window on the current file
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + v
Dafny CLI: Verify File With Trace
As Dafny CLI: Verify File, except that the /trace option is added when running the Dafny
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + t
Dafny CLI: Repeat Last
Runs the Dafny command-lin executable with the same options used during the last execution
Ctrl + Shift + r
Extension Settings
Path to the folder containing the Dafny executable
Command line options to use when running the Dafny executable
Prefix to the command to execute to run Dafny (useful for the environment where the Dafny executable is provided as parameter to mono)
Postfix to the command executed to run Dafny
Known Issues
The plugin only works with workspaces created through the File -> Open Folder ... command.
If either the Dafny CLI: Verify Under Cursor or the Dafny CLI: Verify Under Cursor with Trace command is executed on a constructor method, then all the constructor methods in the current file will be verified, not only the one under the cursor.