
I wrote these benchmarks for a presentation on "Performance Tips, Tricks, and Gotchas". They contain benchmarks to compare several ways of doing the same thing in C++ that are subtly different on the surface but may differ significantly in terms of performance. Writing these was an interesting learning opportunity for me, because I learned how to write these benchmarks in the process of doing it, and though I already knew that in principal there were performance differences between these things, I'd never actually taken the time to measure them.

Benchmarks include measurements for:

  • Function call overhead: Virtual member function vs. non-virtual member function vs. lambda function vs. std::function
  • Effects of data locality/cache misses
  • False sharing between threads
  • Using mutexes vs. atomics

This is a work in progress and there may be mistakes. There are also a few TODOs left in benchmarks.cpp that are worth paying attention to. I'll clean this up more in the following weeks.


Never take benchmarks at face value and assume the results will always be the same. There's a lot of context that goes with each of these, which means that you might not want to always do the thing that appears fastest here. For example, in different situations the compiler is able to perform different optimizations, so something that looks "free" in the benchmark might turn out not to be free in your code - or something that seems faster in a microbenchmark might adversely impact performance in another way. The point of this is to understand different factors that might affect performance so that you can watch out for them and consider them - not to tell you what's right or what's wrong to use in every situation.

How to Install and Run

# Install conan. Used to fetch google benchmark.
sudo apt-get install python3-venv
python3 -m venv pyenv
source pyenv/bin/activate
pip install conan

# Configure conan.
conan profile new default --detect
conan profile update settings.compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 default
mkdir build && cd build
# This will download google benchmark
conan install ..

# Configure cmake
cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
# Build benchmark
cmake --build .
# Run benchmark

Output on my machine:

Running ./build/bin/benchmarks
Run on (16 X 3396.7 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 32K (x8)
  L1 Instruction 32K (x8)
  L2 Unified 1024K (x8)
  L3 Unified 25344K (x1)
Load Average: 0.00, 0.11, 0.27
Benchmark                                              Time             CPU   Iterations
BM_virtualFunctionCallsThroughPointerToParent       2.51 ns         2.51 ns    294239104
BM_virtualFunctionCallsThroughPointerToChild        1.61 ns         1.61 ns    433945778
BM_virtualFunctionCallsThroughInstanceOfChild      0.295 ns        0.295 ns   1000000000
BM_nonVirtualNonInlineFunctionCall                  3.24 ns         3.24 ns    215936970
BM_inlineFunctionCall                              0.295 ns        0.295 ns   1000000000
BM_noFunctionCall                                  0.295 ns        0.295 ns   1000000000
BM_stdFunctionCall                                  1.77 ns         1.77 ns    395824197
BM_lambdaFunctionCall                              0.295 ns        0.295 ns   1000000000
BM_stdFunctionPassedAsParameterFunctionCall         2.06 ns         2.06 ns    339063066
BM_lambdaPassedAsParameterFunctionCall             0.295 ns        0.295 ns   1000000000
BM_sequentialListAccess                             1367 ns         1367 ns       440074
BM_sequentialArrayAccess                             148 ns          148 ns      4704685
BM_sequentialArrayAccessSmallerThanL1               47.8 ns         47.8 ns     14637763
BM_randomArrayAccessSmallerThanL1                   99.9 ns         99.9 ns      7034840
BM_sequentialArrayAccessBiggerThanL1              158070 ns       158063 ns         4429
BM_randomArrayAccessBiggerThanL1                  727313 ns       727301 ns          839
BM_falseSharing/manual_time                      2841579 ns        41720 ns          246
BM_noFalseSharing/manual_time                    2144634 ns        39660 ns          326
BM_useMutex/manual_time                        116323172 ns        50073 ns            6
BM_useMutexNoContention/manual_time             15982798 ns        36639 ns           44
BM_useAtomic/manual_time                        28326920 ns        39443 ns           25