
This repositorty contains code for the testing, verification and reimplementation for Attention, Learn to Solve Routing Problems!, An Efficient Graph Convolutional Network Technique for the Travelling Salesman Problem, and Deep Policy Dynamic Programming


Concorde TSP Solver

The Concorde TSP Solver can be installed using the following script referenced from attention-learn-to-route:

bash concorde_tsp/

In accordance with the accompanying wrappers, Concorde should be placed at the root directory. The validation data on which Concorde will run must be fetched prior to running the script by following the instructions in docs/data/ These data must be placed within the concorde_tsp directory.

The following Python dependencies must be installed:

  • pickle
  • sys
  • os
  • numpy
  • tqdm
  • matplotlib.pyplot

Then, the Concorde TSP benchmarking and plotting routine can be run in Python 3.8.5 as follows:

mkdir concorde_data
python concorde_tsp/

This wrapper will first generate .tsp files in the directory concorde_data. Then, Concorde will be run on all data to output .log files containing the runtime history and .sol files containing the optimal tours. Finally, the tours will be consolidated and summarized, and a plot will be generated.

Greedy Search

The greedy search algorithm benchmarking and plotting routine can be run in Python 3.8.5 as follows:

python greedy_search/

The validation data on which greedy search will run must be fetched prior to running the script by following the instructions in docs/data/

The following Python dependencies must be installed:

  • pickle
  • sys
  • os
  • numpy
  • tqdm
  • matplotlib
  • time

GCN model

The Custom GCN model based on Joshi et al. 2019 can be run through the notebook provided, 'GCN/Graph_Conv_Network.ipynb'. This notebook is compatible to be run on Google Colab. Simple execution of initial cells will setup the required environment with version specific packages and also download the minimum required data to generate the input graphs

The following Python dependencies must be installed:

  • Torch
  • numpy
  • dgl
  • os
  • pickle5

TO DO: incorporate the label edge weight matrix for loss computation in train loop to be consistent with Joshi et al.

Heatmap processing to get optimal tour

The TSP plotting routine for GCN can be run in Python 3.8.5 as follows:

python GCN/ NUM_SAMPLES 'path/to/TSP' 'path/to/heatmap' TSP_SIZE BEAM_SIZE 

- NUM_SAMPLES (int) is the number of graphs in the dataset (eg. 10000)
- 'path/to/TSP' (str) is the path to the pkl file containing the graphs(eg. 'Data/data.pkl')
- 'path/to/heatmap' (str) is the path to the pkl file containing corresponding heat maps (eg. 'Data/maps.pkl')
- TSP_SIZE (int) is the number of nodes in each graph (eg. 100)
- BEAM_SIZE (int) is the beam size of beam search algorithm (eg. 1280)

Deep Policy Dynamic Programming

Run the following to setup a the environment on AWS Deep Learning AMI (Ubuntu 18.04) Version 43.0 :

# Install Python 3.8
sudo apt install python3.8

# Download environment setup script

# Change permissions and run
chmod +x

# Activate environment
conda activate dpdp

# Run
cd GNN-for-CO/deep-policy-DP

For runtime code used in Final Report:

# Install Python 3.8
sudo apt install python3.8

# Download environment setup script

# Change permissions and run
chmod +x

# Activate environment
conda activate dpdp


This repository was built upon the excellent repositories of graph-convnet-tsp by Chaitanya K. Joshi and dpdp by Wouter Kool.