
This is a txt patch version with cheats. Sword Hitbox is larger a bit and Link can use items in houses and stuff. Link appears in the ending credits and some cutscenes. And young Link can use some items Adult Link can use. Like the megaton hammer. The MQUD ones are for the Master Quest USA Debug version. I believe my final one for that patch is named, "MQUD Fixed Scenes V5 OF SH RF item max RC Link in EC Links hat ST fix stalfos R fix." The OF stands for Object fixes. The SH stands for Sword Hitbox, and the RF stands for Restriction flags. The RC stands for Rupee Capacity. And EC stands for Ending Credits. The 1.0 U decompressed ones I think without the large sword hitbox are the "Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (USA) scene fix Dot fix V8 item change rupee increased Navi C up Link appears in ending credits menu fix with text fix" and the other one with no large sword hitbox is "Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (USA) scene fix Ganon Castle and Dot fix V8 Map Select Navi C up link appears in ending credits menu fix with text fix." The final decompressed one is called "Ocarina of Time (USA) decompressed scene fix Dot fix V8 Map Select item change rupee increased Navi C up restriction flag Links hat menu fix with text fix" Also for 1.0 U, if you use the Oot randomizer with this hack, delete the addresses from 92FECE to 95654B. They could mess with the text for it.

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