A simple React Vite project with the following features:
- Docker container based on official Node 18 Docker Image, to keep isolated all project files and dependencies.
- Vite 4 as build tool.
- ReactJS 18 as JS Framework.
- TailwindCSS 3 as CSS Framework for styles.
- LocalStorage from browser to keep app details.
- Hosted and deployed in Netlitfy.
- Allows main CRUD operations over 'patient' entity.
- Implements up to 5 components to split code and functionality related to each component.
- Uses React useState and useEffect Hooks to manage State and spread Ojects reactiviry through application.
- Responsive design with TailwindCSS to display properly in main device types (mobile and desktop).
A live demo of this project is available here https://react-vite-veterinaria-salvadorweb89.netlify.app
Follow this steps to run and preview this project:
Create .env file specifying desired ports to run app container
Run 'docker-compose up' to launch docker container and run app in dev mode.
The app should be available in http://localhost:3000