- Turning off the scooter: 55 AA 03 20 03 79 01 5F FF
val turnOffScooter = NbMessage()
- Changing password: 55 AA 08 20 03 79 XX XX XX XX XX XX 23 FE
- Password must be length 6, only numbers and ascii charset
val changePassword = NbMessage()
.setPayload("932046".toByteArray(charset = Charsets.US_ASCII))
- Getting the controller version: 55 AA 03 20 01 1A 02 BF FF
val ctrlVersion = NbMessage()
Here Camilo explains everything you need to understand the protocol
Thanks to Camilo Ruiz (@CamiAlfa at github.com) for his work on the M365 BLE protocol that inspired me to make this library