
A configurable multi-purpose USD Asset Resolver

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Warning This is probably my first CMake/C++ project, you might see some things that could be better or are simply wrong, so please take it with a pinch of salt. PRs are highly appreciated.

USD Multi Asset Resolver

An ArResolver plugin for USD. This project aims to provide a wide range of tools to make the asset resolution on USD much more flexible. The resolver can be configured with stacks of sub-solvers that will perform tasks on the asset path such as expanding environment variables or performing a REST query to retrieve asset paths from a database (and in the future, possibly more).


The asset resolver can be configured with stacks of sub-solvers that will pick up the output of the previous sub-solver and pass its result to the next one until the asset path is fully resolved.

Available subsolvers

Name Purpose Implemented?
env Expands environment variables Yes
rest Makes a GET request to a URL Yes
format Parses and re-formats Yes
symlink Expands symlinks Yes
subprocess Resolves the path via a subprocess Yes
cache Caches values to be baked for the farm Planned


The solver is configured by specifying the path to a JSON file via the environment variable USDMAR_CONFIG_PATH with the following format:

    "stacks": {
        "<stack name>": {
            "resolvers": [
                    "type": "<subsolver type>",
                    "<subsolver var>": "<value>"
    "defaults": {
        "<scheme>": "<stack>"

Under stacks, a mapping of stacks can be defined, each one with its own list of resolvers. Resolvers can also specify their own variables. The defaults key makes defining the default stack to use in the asset path optional, for more information see the next section.


The asset path is composed of three elements: <scheme>:<stack>!<path>, where scheme is the defined scheme at build time (by default mr), stack is the name of the stack to use and path is the asset path itself to be resolved. On the next section there are examples on it's usage.


The following configuration file will do the following:

  • Convert a path in the format of /{project}/seq/{sequence}/{shot}/{asset}/{version}@ to a valid URL
  • Make a GET request to a local REST server
  • Expand any environment variables on the path
    "resolvers": {
        "db": {
            "stack": [
                    "type": "format",
                    "pairs": [
                    "type": "rest",
                    "host": "",
                    "entryPoint": "/api/v3"
                    "type": "env"
    "defaults": {
        "mr": "db"

To test this, we can create this USD file and run a simple Flask server on localhost with port 5000. Please note that because we've defined in the defaults section the scheme mr:, the asset path specified would be equivalent to it without the db! specification: @mr:/AHB/seq/NJS/0010/boat_aa/latest@.

#usda 1.0

def "geo" (
	references = [
    ) {

We can set the environment variable TF_DEBUG to USDMAR" to get a better feeling of what's going on:

usdmar - MultiResolver::_Resolve('mr:db!/AHB/seq/NJS/0010/boat_aa/latest')
usdmar - Extracted asset path: /AHB/seq/NJS/0010/boat_aa/latest
usdmar - [RESTSubSolver::Resolve] Making GET request to url ''
usdmar - [RESTSubSolver::Resolve] Response: ${PROJECTS_ROOT}/AHB/publish/seq/NJS/0010/boat_aa/v005/main.usda
usdmar - Resolving /AHB/seq/NJS/0010/boat_aa/latest:
        format    -> ?project=AHB&sequence=NJS&shot=0010&asset=boat_aa&version=latest
        rest      -> ${PROJECTS_ROOT}/AHB/publish/seq/NJS/0010/boat_aa/v005/main.usda
        env       -> /mnt/projects/AHB/publish/seq/NJS/0010/boat_aa/v005/main.usda


Build command

The easiest way to build it is to compile USD and use the flags to automatically download and build the missing of dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/salvaom/usd-mar
cd usd-mar
mkdir build
cd build

Build requirements:

Name Optional Version
USD No 22.08
CPR Yes 1.9.1
subprocess.h Yes master?
Python No, planned 3.7.x

Build Options

Option Function Default
USDMAR_REST Whether to build with support for the REST subsolver
Requires CRP
USDMAR_SUBPROCESS Whether to build with support for the subprocess subsolver
Requires subprocess.h
DOWNLOAD_CPR Downloads and builds CPR OFF
DOWNLOAD_SUBPROCESSH Downloads subprocess.h OFF
RESOLVER_SCHEMES List of schemes (space separated) to register for asset resolution mr