
Artillery Genius to Voron Switchwire conversion

Artillery Genius to Switchwire

This is my journey in converting an Artillery Genius to Switchwire.
discord salveo#6988 if you have any question

SW 193 ♥

This conversion is based on Gizzle’s Ender 3 conversion

I reused the following parts:

  • motor mounts
  • upper blocks assembly
  • Z bearing blocks
  • keybak mount

Build information

This mod will shorten the X travel by 10mm because of the narrow vertical extrusions but you will gain 20mm of travel in Z.
The build volume is 220x230x270 \

Build overview

Front and Left

Back and Right

Reuse parts

You can reuse a good amount of parts from the Genius:

  • MCU (Mks gen L)
  • PSU
  • Y assembly
  • All the stepper motors except the extruder one
  • 4020 blower
  • 4010 fan
  • 2040 vertical extrusions
    At the moment, the TFT screen is not compatible with Klipper, you won’t be able to use it.


See the Switchwire BOM for links to products


  • 2020 extrusion 320mm – 1pcs (top extrusion)
  • 2020 extrusion 310mm – 1pcs (x axis extrusion)


  • MGN12H linear rail 330mm – 2pcs (z axis)
  • MGN12H linear rail 270mm – 1pcs (x axis)
  • GT2 belt – 5 meters
  • GT2 20t pulley – 3 pcs
  • F695 Bearing – 20 pcs


  • Raspberry for running klipper
  • SPDT KW10 Limit Micro Switch (for x-axis)
  • Omron TL-Q5MC2 - NPN Inductive Probe (if you want bed mesh leveling,I reused the stock endstop for z)
  • 20mm NEMA17 for the extruder (NEMA17 Motor 17HS08-1004S)


Cable Management

  • 24 AWG PTFE
  • 20 AWG PTFE
  • 10x11 Cable Chain
  • connectors


Make sure you order spare fasteners in case I miscounted them


  • hardware for the Afterburner (check sw bom)

GCODE buttons mod

To cover the unused usb port I created a keyboard of 4 buttons that call a gcode macro.
Buttons used: 12x12x4.3 => aliexpress

Solder one side of the button to a data pin, the other goes to GND.
Then close the lid and route the cables through the usb hole.

Product in action

Full metal idlers

If you want your top idlers to be sturdier you can reuse the old pulley to act as an m5 spacer.