
Wrap any Java project with a runnable Jar!

Primary LanguageJava

Runnable Jar

Wrap any Java project with a runnable Jar!

(works with IntelliJ IDEA)


  1. Add your sources in 'src' folder

  2. Import libraries:

    • in "File > Project Structure (Maiusc+ Ctrl + Alt + S) > Libraries" click the '+' icon and add your libraries;
    • in the same window, go to "Artifacts > runnable jar" and press the '+' symbol in the 'Output Layout' pane.
    • add all your dependencies as "Extracted Directory" items; IntelliJ will extract the content of all the .jar dependencies in the root of your runnable .jar file
    • if you have a Main class, set its name in the Main Class field
    • if your JAR depends on external resources (images, libraries, etc. that are NOT packaged inside the JAR itself), set the path to these resources in the Class Path field
  3. Run the "run Main" configuration: the JAR file will be created inside folder /out/artifacts/jar.

    • you can automatically build your JAR file with any run configuration. Just go to the Configuration settings and add a task under "Before launch", select "build artifact" and tick "runnable jar".
  4. To run your .jar file go to the /out/artifacts/jar folder and run

     java -jar runnableJar.jar