A simple class to test if a string has a profanity in it.
Checks string for profanity as it is against list of bad words. E.g. badword
Checks string for profanity with characters substituted for each letter. E.g. bâdΨ0rd
Checks string for profanity obscured with punctuation between. E.g. b|a|d|w|o|r|d
Check string for profanity that has characters doubled up. E.g. bbaaddwwoorrdd
Also works with combinations of the above. E.g. b|â|d|Ψ|0|rr|d
Install this package via composer.
php composer.phar require mofodojodino/profanity-filter
Have to mention the following project as it gave me a good foundation for the regex and a list of swear words.
ProfanityFilter is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license