
Action types are not Typescript friendly

piotrwitek opened this issue · 3 comments

Action types are not Typescript friendly, they should return Action with its type declared as a string literal type. This would make it possible to be leveraged in various typesafe libraries such as typesafe-actions for discriminated unions.

Please check here for a nice example of TypeScript friendly types declaring a type as a literal string type:

export declare const push: (...args: Parameters<History['push']>) => ReduxAction;
export declare const replace: (...args: Parameters<History['replace']>) => ReduxAction;
export declare const go: (...args: Parameters<History['go']>) => ReduxAction;
export declare const goBack: () => ReduxAction;
export declare const goForward: () => ReduxAction;
export declare const back: () => ReduxAction;
export declare const forward: () => ReduxAction;

@piotrwitek you are right.
Would you like to open a pr for this?

Maybe fixed with #89 ?