Redux history binding support react-router - @reach/router - wouter - react-location
Pinned issues
- 0
Support for react-router@7.x
#135 opened by stheine - 0
- 1
- 4
First LOCATION_CHANGE does not trigger saga
#126 opened by steinarb - 2
- 1
- 24
Support for react-router 6.4.0
#95 opened by voodoocreation - 2
redux-first-history 5.2.0, react-redux 8.0.2, react-router 6.21.1 fails to render
#122 opened by steinarb - 3
"Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'pathname')." when clicking on NavLink
#123 opened by steinarb - 1
Support for Redux v5.x
#120 opened by Semigradsky - 0
- 0
- 7
- 1
- 1
[Issue/feature request?] Data router
#113 opened by b3itgustaf - 0
add composeWithDevtools to toolkit example
#112 opened by tnup - 0
Support changing the router inside a Redux reducer?
#111 opened by thomasjm - 2
how to reset history?
#109 opened by dhcmega - 2
State not changed when routing change
#101 opened by Tsyklop - 8
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'pathname'). problem when I click other Link from the page
#70 opened by JavierBeni - 2
- 3
- 1
Problem with 'push' and 'replace' types
#104 opened by isjaki - 1
Uncaught Error: useRoutes() may be used only in the context of a <Router> component.
#103 opened by red17electro - 7
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query params
#93 opened by Kost927 - 4
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History V4 support
#94 opened by DRichter-r - 5
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Expose index of current history entry?
#73 opened by Nantris - 7
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redux-first-history rr6 router: Maximum update depth exceeded error in unknown route redirect
#81 opened by arnriu - 3
Using store location object causes infinite renders but it's fine with rr6 location hook
#80 opened by matinrco - 3
Action types are not Typescript friendly
#79 opened by piotrwitek - 3
- 2
make actions aware of basename
#65 opened by TeckTn - 5
Missing @types/reach__router dependencie when using RFH with React-router
#82 opened by theFreedomBanana - 1
What about Server Side Rendering?
#77 opened by talkohavy - 1
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Draft a new release
#76 opened by erickskrauch - 4
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Does redux-first-history work in Ionic?
#71 opened by ruiminxu - 2
Don't display component in in new tab
#69 opened by valen2510 - 3
Uncaught TypeError
#68 opened by yiziz - 1
- 1
Add Actions union type
#63 opened by whazor