redux-first-history rr6 router: Maximum update depth exceeded error in unknown route redirect
arnriu opened this issue · 2 comments
arnriu commented
While updating to cra5, rr6, etc... I had this bug: when reaching an unknown path, if I use rr6 Navigate component to redirect, I have a Maximum update depth exceeded error.
<Route path="path1" element={<MyElement1/>} />
<Route path="path2" element={<MyElement2/>} />
{/* etc... */}
<Route path="*" element={<Navigate replace to="/home" />} />
This error happens with redux-first-history rr6 router:
import { HistoryRouter as Router } from 'redux-first-history/rr6'
If I replace this router with, for instance, rr6 BrowserRouter, and keep same routes, bug is gone.
To fix it for now, I did this:
const NavigateOnce = ({ to, replace }) => {
const navigate = useNavigate()
useEffect(() => {
navigate(to, { replace })
}, [])
return null
and used like this:
<Route path="path1" element={<MyElement1/>} />
<Route path="path2" element={<MyElement2/>} />
{/* etc... */}
<Route path="*" element={<NavigateOnce replace to="/home" />} />
salvoravida commented
Hi there, it is the same of #80
lmk if all good
salvoravida commented