
This is a basic backend Social Network Implementation that supports Friend Requests, Messages, Likes and Conversations between different users

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This is a social Network that was created for the Java course in my college.

It is a solid long backend project written in Java

The classes are:

  • Menu contains the choices that a user can type to navigate to the social network.
  • FriendRequest is a class that the user can add other users as friends.
  • HelperClass is a class that creates users and different objects for execution.
  • Main_Class contains the running of the program.
  • Message that is a class that allows users to exchange messages. Each message can have one or more replies and the replies, even more replies that are distinguished by 4 blanks at the start of every message like a normal conversation in Facebook.
  • Network that contains methods for doing specific things in this Social Network.
  • User that contains methods and attributes for the user
  • Wall is an object that is created for every user only once and contains a few methods there that help in other classes too.

The code is redundant and can be reduced to less code, but I tried to encapulate each level of methods to an upper level of methods hiding information that way. That's the reason I also created getter and setter methods for each attribute in the project.

In the UML you will find everything I created. For every method I tried to implement as strict backend checking as possible. For example someone that is a friend with another user cannot send a friend request to that user again.