
Full Stack Application

Table of Contents

R1 - Description of your website, including: - Purpose - Functionality / features - Target audience - Tech stack R2 - Dataflow Diagram R3 - Application Architecture Diagram R4 - User Stories R5 - Wireframes R6 - Screenshots of your Trello board throughout the duration of the project

R1: Description of your website


The purpose of the Record Collector website is to manage personal vinyl record collections. As collections get larger it can be tedious to keep track of everything, particularly if a collection is stored in a particular order.


  1. Responsive website.
  2. Single page application.
  3. Simple registration and log in.
  4. Display of vinyl records with information such as album name, artist name and year.
  5. Change sort order to suit user preferences
  6. Ability for users to view, add, edit and remove records.
  7. Album art retrieved from external api (MusicBrainz)

Target Audience

The primary user of this website is an avid vinyl collector that wishes to keep track of their ever expanding vinyl collection.

Tech Stack

**Frontend: ** HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS

**Backend: ** Django, PostgreSQL

**Hosting: ** AWS

R2: Dataflow Diagram

Dataflow Diagram

R3: Application Architecture Diagram

Application Architecture Diagram

R4: User Stories

User Stories

R5: Wireframes

Desktop - Home Page Desktop - Home Page

Desktop - Home Page: Signed In Desktop - Home Page: Signed In

Mobile - Home Page Mobile - Home Page

Mobile - Home Page: Signed In Mobile - Home Page: Signed In

R6: Trello Board

Trello 1

Trello 2

Trello 3

Trello 4

Trello 5