Fortran model for computing the thermal evolution of a planetary core with an iron snow zone
Code is contained within the code
folder. Inside, the makefile will compile to a thermal_history
executable which requires an input file.
The input file for the reference case is contained in the reference_case
folder, with the following parameters
- rho = 7211 kg/m3
- P_cmb = 21 GPa
- k = 40 W/m/K
- r_cmb = 1627 km
- T_cmb(t=0) = 2400 K
as per the reference case described in Davies and Pommier (2018).
The code on the main branch has been modified slightly from the original code. The original code is available on the original
branch. The modification is in the gravitational energy released associated with the moving boundary of the snow zone, which has been changed to be proportional to the jump in Sulphur mass fraction (c^s-c^l), rather than just the Sulphur mass fraction (c^s) (see Davies and Pommier (2018) equation 17). This makes a small change to the Qg remelting term. is the input file for a simple benchmark comparison with Tina's code.