INTERVIEW GURU: =============== CRAWLING : ========== - We crawled We selected each company's question listing page and gave its URL to crawl all the questions in that page. - The files corresponding to crawling are available in WebCrawler folder. We used Crawler4j (Open Source Java based Crawler). - The crawled files are saved in user specified location. In order to change the location make changes to and PARSING : ========= - To parse the question content run . Change the location to the folder where the crawled files are available. The parsed data will be available in question_data.txt - To parse the tags related to the question run As mentioned above change the location. The parsed data will be available in the following files: company_data.txt- contains the company info for each quesiton, position_data.txr - contains the type of position for each question and tag_data.txt - which contains a list of tags for each question. RETAGGING : =========== - Some of the original tags are not useful and many questions are untagged. Run to retag the questions. The new tags will be available in fullytagged_data.txt. We used a Naive Bayes to tag the data. VECTOR REPRESENTAION : ====================== - Each question is represented as a vector. Run to generate the vector file new_vector_data.txt. We selected features (terms that are informative of the question similarity) and saved them in a dictionary. Only these features will be used to form the vectors. FINDING DISTRIBUTION : ====================== - is used to generate the distribution of focus area for each company. Output will be in ui_1.txt. FINDING CLUSTERS : ================= - is used to find clusters of questions for each company. The clusters are stored in Cluster_1_company.txt. - is used to find cluster of questions for combination of companies. The clusters are divided and saved in several files. They are later merged to total_cluster.txt. - is used to find cluster of questions from all companies. The clusters are saved in all_cluster.txt. - is used to merge the output of and The resultant file is cluster_1_total.txt. UI: == - We used HTML5, JavaScript and CSS to build the UI. The files home.html and common.html cater for single company UI and two company UI respectively. iGuru.css has the style sheet for both the html files. iGuru.js has the complete JavaScript code for running the UI. We used d3 JavaScript library for drawing the cluster visualization.