Master List of HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS Resources

This list started out as a blog post, with the intent of sharing a list of HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 resources that I found very useful. Feel free to read the original article to see what links I deemed relevent in January of 2011.

The following is a revised, hopefully continually updated, list of technologies, techniques, and tools that have been cultivated with experienced and aspiring front end developers and designers in mind.

NOTE: Since the number of options for any given category can be overwhelming (for instance, MVC JavaScript frameworks), I would like to restrict this list to the best in class & most popular options. There are other, more comprehensive lists out there (such as jswiki), but that's not what I'm striving to maintain here. Instead, I'd like to present a paired-down list of the very best options available. So, if there's a pretty good library that hasn't had a code update in 10 months, I'll likely take it off this list. You get the idea.

Please feel free to contribute - the more the merrier!

Table of Contents


# Technologies ## HTML5 ### Books & Reference * [A Beginner's Guide to HTML & CSS]( * [A Web Developer's Guide to HTML5]( * [Dive Into HTML5]( * [Field Guide to Web Apps]( * [HTML5 & CSS3 Support]( * [HTML5 Demos]( * [HTML5 Element Flowchart]( * [HTML5 Forms]( * [HTML5 Please]( * [HTML5 Readiness]( * [HTML5 Rocks]( * [Mobile HTML5]( * [Periodic Table of the Elements]( * [The HTML5 test]( * [W3C HTML5 Specification]( * [WHATWG HTML Standard]( * [When can I use...]( ### Templates * [Gridless]( * [HTML5 Boilerplate]( * [Mobile Boilerplate]( ### eBook Frameworks * [Baker]( * [Inkling]( * [Laker compendium]( * [Pugpig]( ## JavaScript ### General Purpose Frameworks * [Dojo Toolkit]( * [Google Web Toolkit (GWT)]( * [jQuery]( * [YUI]( ### Mobile Frameworks with Widgets * [jQuery Mobile]( * [Sencha Touch]( ### Mobile Frameworks without Widgets * [o2.js]( * [xui.js]( * [zepto.js]( ### MVC Frameworks * [Backbone.js]( * [Ember.js]( * [Knockout]( ### Template Libraries * [Handlebars.js]( * [Hogan.js]( * [ICanHaz.js]( * [mustache.js]( ### Various Useful Libraries * [Almond]( * [chainvas]( * [Hammer.js]( * [JSON2]( * [LABjs]( * [Lightning.js]( * [Modernizr]( * [RequireJS]( * [Sugar]( * [Terrific]( * [Underscore.js]( * [yepnope.js]( ### Charting * [flotr2]( * [Google Chart Tools / Image Charts (aka Chart API) - Google Code]( * [gRaphaël—Charting JavaScript Library]( * [Highcharts - Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage]( * [ZingChart + Build HTML5 and Flash Charts & Graphs for Web Applications]( ### Mapping * [gmaps.js]( * [Leaflet]( ### Graphics & Presentation Libraries * [html5slides]( * [impress.js]( * [Isotope]( * [Processing.js]( * [sketch.js]( * [Timeline.js]( ### Client-side Messaging * [Radio.js]( * [TIBCO PageBus]( ### Client-Server Messaging * [appMobi Cloud Services]( * [Faye]( * [PubNub]( * []( * [SockJS]( * [StackMob]( * [Urban Airship]( ### Server-side JavaScript * [node.js]( * [(fab)]( * [Express]( * [Restler]( * [sequelize]( * [should.js]( ### Game Engines & Related * [Crafty]( * [DirectCanvas]( * [EaselJS]( * [Impact]( * [LimeJS]( ### Game Audio * [SoundJS]( * [SoundManager]( ### Books & Reference * [Google JavaScript Style Guide]( * [JavaScripture]( * [wtfjs]( * [Yahoo! Design Pattern Library]( ## CSS3 ### Stylesheet Language Extensions * [LESS]( * [Sass]( * [Stylus]( ### Grid Systems & Boilerplates * []( * [Blueprint]( * [Skeleton]( * [YAML CSS Framework]( * [YUI 2: Grids CSS]( ### Frameworks * [Bootstrap]( * [Foundation]( ### Icons & Fonts * [169 Icons]( * [Font.js]( * [Google Web Fonts]( * [iconSweets2]( * [Premium Pixels](
# Tools for Design ### Interactive Mockups * [Keynote]( with templates: * [Keynote Kung-Fu]( * [Keynotopia]( ### Graphics & Image Editors * [Adobe Photoshop]( * [GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program]( * [Pixelmator]( ### Vector Graphics Editors * [Adobe Illustrator]( * [Corel Draw]( * [Inkscape]( ### Animation * [Adobe Edge]( * [Ceaser - CSS Easing Animation Tool]( * [Sencha Animator]( * [Tumult Hype](
# Tools for Development ### Code Editors: Cross Platform * [Sublime Text 2]( * [Gene Loparco's Theme]( * [SideBarGit]( * [Sublime Package Control]( * [Sublime SFTP]( * [SublimeLinter]( ### Code Editors: Mac Only * [BBEdit]( * [MacVim]( * [TextMate]( * [TextWrangler]( ### Code Editors: Windows Only * [TextPad]( ### CSS Editors * [bluePen]( ### Integrated Development Environments (IDE) * [Adobe Brackets]( * [Aptana Studio]( * [Coda]( * [Dreamweaver]( * [Espresso]( * [NetBeans]( * [WebStorm]( ### Code Quality * [JSHint]( * [jslint]( ### Build Tools & Compressors * [CodeKit]( * [Google Closure Compiler]( * [grunt]( * [ProCSSor]( * [SimpLESS]( * [YUI Compressor]( ### Performance * [Benchmark.js]( * [jsPerf]( * [Mobile Perf bookmarklet]( * [Mobitest]( * [Page Speed]( ### Code Sharing * [Cloud9 IDE]( * [CodePen]( * [JS Bin]( * [jsFiddle]( ### Debugging * [BrowserStack]( * [Charles Web Debugging Proxy]( * [CSS3 Please!]( * [gzipWTF]( * [iWebInspector]( * [JavaScript console]( * [Jdrop]( * [Linear Gradients]( * [Live.js]( * [Resize]( * [resizeMyBrowser]( * [Vogue]( * [weinre]( ### Testing * [Adobe Shadow]( * [Buster.js]( * [Jasmine]( * [js-test-driver]( * [JSCheck]( * [JSMock]( * [Mocha]( * [PhantomJS]( * [QUnit]( * [Remote-Tilt]( * [Responsinator]( * [Responsive Design Testing]( * [Sinon.js]( * [testling]( * [testr]( * [Tutti]( * [Unit Test]( * [wru]( * [YUI Test]( * [Zombie.js]( ### Emulators * [Adobe Device Central]( * [Android Emulator]( * [Mobile Emulators and Simulators]( ### Documentation Generators * [docco]( * [Dox]( * [JSDoc2]( * [PDoc]( * [YUIDoc]( ### Mobile Deployment * [appMobi]( * [NimbleKit]( * [PhoneGap]( * [TestFlight]( * [Titanium]( ### Version Control * [git - the simple guide]( * [Git Reference]( * [Gitbox]( ### Miscellaneous * [Codiqa jQuery Prototype Builder]( * [colllor]( * [Gradient App]( * [Gradient Editor]( * [Loremify](
# Techniques ### Generally Useful Sites * [A List Apart]( * [Boxes and Arrows]( * [Codrops]( * [CSS-Tricks]( * [Web Designer Wall]( ### CSS & Presentation * [* { box-sizing: border-box } FTW]( * [Accordion with CSS3]( * [An Event Apart: CSS Best Practices]( * [Beautiful web type]( * [Centering in the Unknown]( * [Get into LESS]( * [Item Blur Effect]( * [Loading Animations]( * [Custom Forms]( * [3d Ribbons]( * [Rotating Billboard]( * [Shiny Knobs]( * [Text on a Circle]( ### Effects & Transitions * [Animate.css]( * [Curtain.js]( * [Image Content Slider]( * [reveal.js]( ### Responsive Web Design * [Cross Device Tutorial]( * [Density Converter]( * [Fluid grids, orientation & resolution independence]( * [Hardboiled CSS3 Media Queries]( * [How to Approach a Responsive Design]( * [How to Approach a Responsive Design]( * [Media Queries for Standard Devices]( * [Media Queries]( * [Multi-Device Layout Patterns]( * [Responsive Data Table Roundup]( * [Responsive Navigation Patterns]( * [Responsive Wireframes]( * [Simple Responsive Device Diagram]( * [The Goldilocks Approach]( * [Use CSS transitions to link Media Queries and JavaScript]( ### JavaScript Blogs & Showcases * [CreativeJS]( * [o2.js]( * [Seb Lee-Delisle]( ### JavaScript Patterns * [Choosing JavaScript Module Dependency Syntax]( * [Essential JavaScript Design Patterns For Beginners]( * [JavaScript Module Pattern: In-Depth]( * [JavaScript Programming Patterns]( * [JS Better Faster]( * [Patterns for modules and namespaces in JavaScript]( * [The JavaScript Module Pattern]( * [Why I don't love JavaScript's Module Pattern]( ### Web Apps * [Best Practices for a Faster Web App]( * [Cache them if you can]( * [Mobile Web & HTML5]( * [Scalable web apps: the complexity issue]( * [Scaling Your JavaScript Applications]( ### Testing Techniques * [Mobile Testing for Dummies]( * [JavaScript continuous testing]( ### Sublime Text 2 Tips * [9 reasons you must install Sublime Text 2]( * [An Editor You Will Regret You Haven't Used Before]( * [Sublime Text 2 Tips and Tricks]( * [Sublime Text Workflow That Beats Coda and Espresso](
### Hodge-podge Many of these have been removed from above and others are just small or interesting or as yet undiscovered: * [Add to Home screen]( * [AngularJS]( * [Backbone Biolerplate]( * [Backbone UI]( * [Background Composer]( * [Basket.js]( * [batman.js]( * [Bootstrap Tour]( * [Bootswatch]( * [Box - CSS Framework]( * [CanJS]( * [Chaplin]( * [Coin Slider]( * [CreateJS]( * [Cross Browser Progress Bars]( * [CSS & jQuery Clickable Map]( * [CSS Hat]( * [CSS Reflow]( * [CSS3 Patterns Library]( * [D3.js]( * [DepthJS]( * [Device.js]( * [Dojo Mobile]( * [dygraphs]( * [EmbedJS]( * [Enyo]( * [Ext JS]( * [Field Guide]( * [flot - Project Hosting on Google Code]( * [Foresight.js]( * [Fusion Charts]( * [Google Style Guide]( * [grunt]( * [Humble Finance]( * [JavaScriptMVC]( * [JPEGmini]( * [jQuery Mobile Cookbook]( * [jQuery Sparklines]( * [jQuery Toast Messages]( * [Kendo UI]( * [KineticJS]( * [LungoJS]( * [mashi]( * [Meteor]( * [Mobile Tuxedo]( * [Montage]( * [MooTools]( * [moqups]( * [Morris.js]( * [New Relic]( * [normalize.css]( * [Parallax.js]( * [Prism]( * []( * [qooxdoo]( * [QUOjs]( * [Racer]( * [Recline.js]( * [Reflection]( * [Responsive Image Loader]( * [Responsive+]( * [ResponsiveSlides.js]( * [RGraph: HTML5 canvas graph library based on the HTML5 canvas tag]( * [Rickshaw]( * [RightJS]( * [ShareJS]( * [Simulchart]( * [Smoothie Charts]( * [soma.js]( * [Spine]( * [Touchy.js]( * [Tower.js]( * [TypedJS]( * [ViniSketch Designer]( * [Wink toolkit](