Resilient Sagas


To deploy, first change the LogGroupName from sam1234 to something unique. Then login to the AWS sandbox account. Then:

export AWS_PROFILE=sandbox
aws sso login --profile sandbox
sam build
npm run build:watch # in a different different terminal
sam sync --watch --stack-name <insert-your-stack-name-here> --no-dependency-layer

Starting the saga

To find the name of your SQS, go to the AWS console > CloudFormation > Stacks > Search for the stack name you entered in Deployment > Resources.

This will list all resources that were created with your stack. By searching with CreateOutboundQueue, you should be able to find the SQS, it will have a name like <stack name>-CreateOutboundQueue-<random id>.

Once you have the name, you can go to the SQS console, search with your SQS's name, then send a message:

    "payload": {
        "items": [
            { "sku": "123", "quantity": 12 },
            { "sku": "123", "quantity": 12 }
        "shippingAddress": {
            "fullName": "my full name",
            "addressLine1": "123 Cool",
            "addressLine2": "Apt 1001",
            "city": "Montreal",
            "state": "Quebec",
            "postalCode": "H1Q 3P9",
            "countryCode": "CA"
    "metadata": {
        "requestId": "reqId123"