
A simple app that uses the ClickUp API to view tasks for different teams and spaces.

Primary LanguageDart


This is a Flutter Application built using ClickUp APIs. The application allows the user to select a team and view spaces, tasks, and lists for that selected team.


This application showcases the state management, UI and performance techniques I have learned while using Flutter. I used the BloC pattern in combination with Provider and ChangeNotifiers for handling state. I relied on stacks and flexible widgets for complex and dynamic layouts. I used an isolate for parsing JSON responses which enhanced the performance by a noticeable amount.

Task Page

Image of Task Page

Select A Space

GIF of Space Selection

Delete and Create Tasks

GIF of Delete Task GIF of Delete Task

Pull To Refresh

GIF of Pull To Refresh

Reorderable List

GIF of Delete Task

State Management

I used three BloCs to handle the state of the application.

Image of BloC Files

The Teams BloC is simple and retrieves ClickUp teams at the start of the application. The ClickUpList BloC handles the list page and rebuilds the UI based on reordering of the list. The Tasks Bloc does the most amount of work. It retrieves all of the items (folders, lists, tasks) for a space, saves those items in the sqflite database, and handles creating and deleting tasks. I am creating the BloCs at the top of the widget tree so I can access them throughout the app:

BloC Creation

void main() {
      providers: [
          create: (_) => TeamsModel(),
          create: (_) => fluro.Router(),
      child: MultiBlocProvider(providers: [
        BlocProvider(create: (_) => TeamsBloc()),
        BlocProvider(create: (_) => TaskBloc()),
        BlocProvider(create: (_) => ClickuplistBloc())
      ], child: App(_ProdConfig()))));

BloC Access

  // ignore: close_sinks
    TaskBloc taskBloc = BlocProvider.of<TaskBloc>(context);
    // ignore: close_sinks
    ClickuplistBloc clickuplistBloc = BlocProvider.of<ClickuplistBloc>(context);

One thing I would change is refactoring the BloCs to have another BloC class that is dedicated to getting all items and saving them to sqflite instead of the Task Bloc having this functionality. I think this simplifies the code and makes it more maintanable as the Task page gets more functionality.


I tried using isolates to parse both the Dio response and the folder, list, and task JSON objects. As it turns out, only the isolate used for the Dio response gave a performance boost (pull to refresh from 2.835494 seconds down to 2.160629 seconds) while the isolates for the data objects decreased performance. This can be attributed to the startup cost of the isolates. In the future it might be best to implement a reusable isolate to circumvent the startup costs.

Dio Isolate

 ClickUpService(this._apiToken) {
    dio = Dio();
    (dio.transformer as DefaultTransformer).jsonDecodeCallback = parseJson;

_parseAndDecode(String response) {
  return jsonDecode(response);

parseJson(String text) {
  return compute(_parseAndDecode, text);