
Learn JAVA

Primary LanguageJava


Learn JAVA Lang.

A set of files for learning the Java language.

In the Dummies folder

Hello.java, the classic first file.

TypesInJava.java, describes the types in JAVA

TypeCasting.java, for type casting in JAVA

In StringMeth.java there are some methods for the strings

ConditionalStatements.java describes Conditions, If Statements and ternary operator.

SwitchStat.java for the switch stat.

In ArrayInJava.java you will find an overview of the java arrays

In LoopsInJava.java you can read how to create java loops

In the Catthulhu folder

First approach to OOP and package.

I created the cats package and the Cat interface. The interface is implemented by the TigerDreamer, Pussyfoot, Catacrobat, Scrapper and Twofoot classes. The Catthulhu class imports the package and returns the peculiar actions of each cat

Catthulhu.java Catacrobat Pussyfoot Scrapper Tiger Twofoot


With ease, can climb a rough wall, leap a fence, slip out of sight of a human, 
slip through a closing door, walk a rope

With ease, can appeal for help, beg for food, distract a human, recognize exotic food

With ease, can bite through a string, catch a mouse or baby bird, scare off some kittens, 
land a surprise blow.

With ease, can comfort a human, interrupt a magic ritual, notice unnatural behavior, 
recognize that a pattern is mystical.

With ease, can distinguish car keys from house keys, flip a switch, flush a toilet, 
pull open a kitchen cabinet, pull out an electrical plug.