Contacts from Google Form

This file will help you to modify the script accrding to your requirements. Further information can be found at,

For any changes and for request, please contact here.

Add People API in Services.

Follow the steps in this section:


The permissions are required as the scripts work as a 3rd party entity and for general user it is just a random code which might cause issues. Here I am using Contacts and Spreadsheet commands and so 2 / 3 required permissions are required to be accepted. The permission sare updated by Google and so might change from time to time.


The script is triggered when a form is submitted. It gets the values from the spreadshspreadsheet from the last row of the *active sheet *. These values are then saved as variables ( here as Column Names i.e. B, C, D).

The function getRange(lastRow, 2, 1, 1).getValue() has the following parameters, getRange( rowNumber , columnNumber , numberOfRowsToSelect , numberOfColumnsToSelect)

Reference here

Once all data is fetched, the contact creation function is called.


Here the columns used,

Column Title Column Label Spreadsheet Label
First Name B 2
Last Name C 3
Email ID D 4

If Other columns are used, they have to be referred accordingly in the script.

Pending to fix

  • Group Feature