Print My Subs

An Express service and Vue interface that allows a Twitch streamer to authenticate and listen for updates to their subscriber count. When a new user subscribes, the information is sent to a printer on their local network or over USB.


  • Python
  • Docker
  • Node
  • Git
  • EPSON or STAR thermal printer with drivers installed


git clone


  1. Create an ENV file in server/.env with the following format, or make a copy of .env.example:

You'll need to provide your own Client ID and Client Secret from your individually configured Twitch console. Run ipconfig in a cmd shell to get your local IPv4 address. This is usually of the format 192.168.1.XX or 10.X.X.X.

  1. Open Powershell as administrator and run npm install --global windows-build-tools (Required for building printer dependency)

  2. cd server and run npm install printer --build-from-source

First time startup

It may take docker up to a minute to set up the database before you can authenticate with twitch. Run printmysubs.bat for the first time and leave it until the logs in the db shell stop. Then close all the shell windows and start it again with printmysubs.bat.

Starting up

Run printmysubs.bat

Getting updates

Run getupdates.bat


If you have any issues running PrintMySubs please create an issue in this repository and I'll check it out as soon as possible.


Pull requests are always open.