Phonebook API

Built using

  1. .NetCore 3.1
  2. MySQL
  3. MediatR
  4. AutoMapper
  5. JWT Auth
  6. Swagger
  7. Docker
  8. Uses the concepts of DDD (Domain Driven Design) and SOLID

Running the Container

docker-compose up

Above mentioned commands starts

  • .NetCore API Service
  • MySQL DB (seeded by default from db.sql)

Access APIs

Access Swagger documentation for the APIs

Browse to http://localhost:5000/swagger

Execute APIs


Login using and password

Recording Auth


Verify the logged in user details

Later, other endpoints can be used smoothly.

/api/phonebooks and api/phonebooks/.../phone-entries are protected and need authentication.

/api/users is open and doesn't need authentication

Access Database

Browse to http://localhost:6001

User: user
Password: password

ER Diagram


  1. Request Parameters Validation
  2. Renew Token
  3. Block Token (logout)
  4. Pagination
  5. Exception Handling
  6. Logging