
Jupyter Notebook Runner

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Fast JupyterNotebook PYTHON Runner PyPI version

Recomended Package changes

sudo pip install git+https://github.com/sam2332/nbparameterise.git

I have a custom nbparameterise that will allow for more features such at tagged notebooks for paramater cell selections


$ nbRunner 
usage: nbRunner Notebook
nbRunner: error: the following arguments are required: Notebook

$ nbRunner examples/nounVerb.ipynb 
Default does the Default

$ nbRunner examples/nounVerb.ipynb  --help
usage: nbRunner [-h] [--who [WHO]] [--verb [VERB]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --who [WHO]
  --verb [VERB]

$ nbRunner examples/nounVerb.ipynb --who=Billy --verb=knocked
Billy knocked

By Default the package uses exec due to notbook client refusing

but as you can see the timeing is horrible compared to exec

$ time ./nbRunner ../randomWallpaper.ipynb --use_notebook_client
Using Notebook client

real  0m2.405s
user  0m2.247s
sys 0m1.864s

$ time ./nbRunner ../randomWallpaper.ipynb

real  0m0.552s
user  0m0.655s
sys 0m0.602s

$ time nbRunner examples/nounVerb.ipynb 
Default does the Default

real  0m1.637s
user  0m1.253s
sys 0m0.146s

$ time jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute examples/nounVerb.ipynb 
[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook examples/nounVerb.ipynb to notebook
[NbConvertApp] Writing 2014 bytes to examples/nounVerb.nbconvert.ipynb

real  0m2.227s
user  0m1.507s
sys 0m0.178s

$ time nbRunner examples/nounVerb.ipynb 
Default does the Default

real  0m1.922s
user  0m1.205s
sys 0m0.171s

$ time jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute examples/nounVerb.ipynb 
[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook examples/nounVerb.ipynb to notebook
[NbConvertApp] Writing 2014 bytes to examples/nounVerb.nbconvert.ipynb

real  0m2.072s
user  0m1.461s
sys 0m0.177s