Stephanie Michalowicz Digital Forensics Final Project NYU
iFind: A python command line reverse geocoding location request and response tool based on the coordinates of cell phone towers pinged by a user's mobile device and obtained through records provided by their wireless carrier.
To run, you must first install gmaps by running the following command:
pip install gmaps
'-tower' cell tower data
'-record' phone record
'-directory' output directory
'-heatmap' show a heat map
'-polygon' create a polygon to triangulate area between towers
'-lines' show an outline / line
'-markers'show markers colored by record type
'-order' show order of activity
'-activity' show phone record activity type (i.e., ping, call, SMS, email
'-day' show the date
'-time'show the time
| Map Legend |
| Color Record Type |
| Blue | SMS |
| Red | Email |
| Green | Ping |
| Black | First Tower|
| Line | Tower Path |
| Blue | Potential |
| Area | Location |
If tower IDs are already sorted and tower list is larger than data file, convert to binary sort to decrease run time from O(n log n) to: best case O(1) average/ worst case O(log n)
Convert if/else to switch case method - is there a way in python besides using functions or lambdas?
Give option to show times/dates in a range
Figure out how to scale the legend and make it float