Its a rest API the provides the few products that are available on bobbibrown website. It also has login/register routes along side that it also has search, all the cart functinalities. with authentication of the user.
Bobbi-Brown Rest API
Bobbi Brown Cosmetics is a global premium beauty brand that empowers women to embrace and enhance their individual beauty. The website of bobbi-brown provides all the beauty products that are offered by the company.
This is a rest API for getting details of some products that is offered by the orginal website. Its has login/logout functionalities along side Authentication for the user from the token which is generated useing JWT(JSONWEBTOKEN). Can add/remove product to the cart of specific user profile this part is also in the backend. The sum of total amount of the products & no. of product in cart is also provided.
This was a collaborative project of six member to create a clone of bobbi-brown website. This Project was made as a part of construct week curriculum of MASAI School.