
Its a rest API the provides the few products that are available on bobbibrown website. It also has login/register routes along side that it also has search, all the cart functinalities. with authentication of the user.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Bobbi-Brown Rest API

Bobbi Brown Cosmetics is a global premium beauty brand that empowers women to embrace and enhance their individual beauty. The website of bobbi-brown provides all the beauty products that are offered by the company.

This is a rest API for getting details of some products that is offered by the orginal website. Its has login/logout functionalities along side Authentication for the user from the token which is generated useing JWT(JSONWEBTOKEN). Can add/remove product to the cart of specific user profile this part is also in the backend. The sum of total amount of the products & no. of product in cart is also provided.

This was a collaborative project of six member to create a clone of bobbi-brown website. This Project was made as a part of construct week curriculum of MASAI School.

Tech Stack

  • Node

  • Express

  • MongoDB (For Storage)

  • Heroku (For Deployment)

API Reference

Get all items

  GET /product

Get item

  GET /product/${page}
Parameter Type Description
page string Required. Filter the product data as per pages

Get Full Profuct detail by product_id

  GET /product/product/${product_id}
Parameter Type Description
product_id string Required. Get full details of the product

Search item by keyword.

  GET /search/${keyword}
Parameter Type Description
keyword string Required. Product that are related to the keyword as sent as a result


  POST /register
Body Type Description
name string Required
email string Required. Email should be Unique
password string Required (No password specification as such)


  POST /login
Body Type Description
email string Required.
password string Required

GetCart of Specific (Logged In) User.

  GET /cart/getcart
Header Type Description
Authentication Token string Required (which need to be get the user detail)

Add Product to Specific (Logged In) User Cart.

  POST /cart/add/${product_id}
Parameter Type Description
product_id string Required. ProductId from the the products
Header Type Description
Authentication Token string Required (which need to be get the user detail)

Remove specific single Product / Decrease the Quanitiy of specific Product from Specific (Logged In) User Cart.

  POST /cart/remove/${product_id}
Parameter Type Description
product_id string Required. ProductId from the the products
Header Type Description
Authentication Token string Required (which need to be get the user detail)

Remove all the product of given id from Specific (Logged In) User Cart.

  POST /cart/delete/${product_id}
Parameter Type Description
product_id string Required. ProductId from the the products
Header Type Description
Authentication Token string Required (which need to be get the user detail)

Make the cart of Specific user Empty

  POST /cart/removeall
Header Type Description
Authentication Token string Required (which need to be get the user detail)

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file

DB: MongoDB database Link.

KEY: JSONWEBTOKEN key for hashing that password.

PORT: Which is given by Heroku.


@Aakash Yadav


After makeing all the changes to the cart we are return whole user instead of only cart that issue.