
Its a rest API the provides the few courses that are available aon pluralsight website. It also has search functionality that is passing the keyword as paramater and api will return the courses realated to the keyword.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PluralSight API


Its a rest API the provides the few courses that are available aon pluralsight website. It also has search functionality that is passing the keyword as paramater and api will return the courses realated to the keyword.

This was a collaborative project of six member to create a clone of pluralsight website. This Project was made as a part of construct week curriculum of MASAI School.

Tech Stack

  • Node
  • Express
  • MongoDB (Data Storage)
  • Heroku (For Deployment)

API Reference

Get all items

  GET /course
Parameter Description
api_key Not Required.

Get item

  GET /course/${search keyword}
Parameter Type Description
search keyword string Required. In order to get courses realated to keyword passed

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file

  • MongoDB server link is requried to store the data.
  • PORT which is provide by heroku.


@Suman Giri


We have also made the authetication part. But not able to implement it.