
My journey to center of the microservices.

As i begin my journey to understand what it takes to create microservices in java (i am a c++ developer and java naturally was the next closest to start of with), i document simple helloworld projects, which help me understand things better.

Most of the repositories here are carved or heavily inspired from online tutorials etc., but i try to write on my own in my favorite eclipse editor.

I would list down here the repositories in the order i started writing.

The very first thing i found quite fasicnating was Spring framework, (i know little of core-java) and thats where it all begins.

I start with spring mvc and move on further in the direction wind takes me.

Day 1

  • Spring MVC This is a simple spring mvc project, which creates a restcontroller and showcases the use of basic servlets etc.

  • Spring Boot Basic Once i understood the basics of spring, ofcourse only a thin part of mvc, i quickly deiced that i better change gears and hooked on to Spring boot. To my surprise writing application in spring boot is quite easy. If you are from Spring background, you will have a sigh of relief. A lot of boilerplate annotations go away, and you get to work on the real meat. This application is again a simple rest server, with multiple endpoints. Idea here is to understand how i can use spring boot. As a part of it, i used spring-data-cache, Redis in this case. It was too sleek and easy with few annotations. This tutorial helped me understand the real deal -> Then i was fascinated with the world of annotation, how easy life becomes with them and naturally wanted to write one. As a result i wrote a small annotations creator.

  1. : I heavily relied on a online tutorial in order to finish this as i had no idea of what reflection really meant. At the end of writing this project i got a hang of what reflection is and how it could be used.

Now i have to get back to track, plan is to write another spring boot application , this time something with a bit of meat.

Day 2

I stumbled upon this :

Above link was quite useful to kickoff my understanding of practical usage of spring boot.

As i started, i noticed that a lot stuff happen automatically, i no longer need to define a configurations unlike spring mvc. If you want to connect to a Database for example H2, you need not install it anymore, spring boot provides a handy embedded H2 data base if it finds the jar in the CLASSPATH.

Found a good link which explains how this magic happens :

Day 3

So, now i completed a small microservice which has its own embedded H2 database (RDBMS).

  • Forex Exchange : Is a simple microservice which has its own embbeded data base, where currency conversion-rate values are stored.

Day 4

  • [Spring Boot Service with client] I wrote another microservice, a simple one though, but communicating with another microservice.

Day 7

  • Well after a gap i started off again, now with intent to finish a basic set of microservices.

A high level diagram below refers to my first project with microservices, idea was picked from here. It is not entirely as the referred source describes, but my own version. Basic idea is to have a currency conversion service. This service has two parts

  1. Forex Exchange which i build on day 3 (refer above), Forex Exchange registers to Eureka (Netflix OSS load balancer) as a client.
  2. Conversion Serivce which is the actual front end service, which could be used to convert one type of currency to another.

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Day 10

New day new project, upskilling now

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Day 11

Finished writing a simple quote Quote Service. Which takes a Stock symbol and returns the current price.

Next step is to create Account Service, plan is to use elastic serach. Using this online es example

Day 12

Deployed Qoute service in GCE User guide to deploy @GCE

Day 15

How to deploy redis in google cloud


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