
A smart contract that allows users to leverage up on ETH with built in stop-loss using MakerDAO and Uniswap.

Primary LanguageSolidity



You will need the following properly installed on your computer:


Install yarn (or use NPM if you prefer):

brew install yarn

Install Truffle:

yarn global add truffle

Ensure you have truffle 5. Running truffle version should output look something like:

Truffle v5.0.21 (core: 5.0.21)
Solidity v0.5.0 (solc-js)
Node v10.13.0
Web3.js v1.0.0-beta.37

Install Vyper with a virtualenv

Once your virtualenv is activated, running vyper --version should output:


Install project dependencies



In order to run the mainlocal network, set up a local ganache chain that is a fork of Ethereum's mainnet. The easiet way is to create an Infura project. Then run:

ganache-cli --fork https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/{your-infura-project-id}@8159055

This will fork the mainnet at block 8159055, allowing you to interact with mainnet contracts and storage (e.g. the MakerDAO system). When using Truffle, make sure to run:

truffle console --network mainlocal

Otherwise, running truffle develop will spin up a separate ganache instance.