
My personal site, hosted on IPFS.

Primary LanguageHTML


Here's my personal website. It's a simple, static site hosted on IPFS via CloudFlare's gateway:


Deploy your own site to IPFS

  1. Download IPFS

  2. Connect your local IPFS node to the network

ipfs daemon
  1. Add your content to IPFS
ipfs add -r /path/to/folder-with-your-content

That's about it! Read this excellent walkthrough for detailed instructions, including how to set up a custom domain and SSL.

Be a benevolent peer

One advantage of IPFS is that the more popular the content, the faster it will load. The more any content is shared across nodes, the more peer nodes that can serve it to our browsers.

If you add my site and other IPFS sites to your IPFS node, you will help me and and the IPFS community!

Follow these steps:

cd ~/ && mkdir ipfs-files # Create folder to download ipfs content
cd ipfs-files
ipfs get /ipns/www.samajammin.com
ipfs add -r www.samajammin.com

Thanks for your contribution to the peer-to-peer revolution :)