
This is frontend starter project for nodejs-aws mentoring program. It uses the following technologies:

Available Scripts


Starts the project in dev mode with mocked API on local environment.


Builds the project for production in dist folder.


Starts the project in production mode on local environment.

test, test:ui, test:coverage

Runs tests in console, in browser or with coverage.

lint, prettier

Runs linting and formatting for all files in src folder.

client:deploy, client:deploy:nc

Deploy the project build from dist folder to configured in serverless.yml AWS S3 bucket with or without confirmation.

client:build:deploy, client:build:deploy:nc

Combination of build and client:deploy commands with or without confirmation.


Deploy configured in serverless.yml stack via CloudFormation.


Display cloudfront domain information in console.


Invalidate cloudfront cache.

cloudfront:build:deploy, cloudfront:build:deploy:nc

Combination of client:build:deploy and cloudfront:invalidateCache commands with or without confirmation.

cloudfront:update:build:deploy, cloudfront:update:build:deploy:nc

Combination of cloudfront:setup and cloudfront:build:deploy commands with or without confirmation.


Remove an entire stack configured in serverless.yml via CloudFormation.

Task 2