
Primary LanguageC++

CS 170 Project Fall 2021

Tested on gcc version 7.3.0 (x86_64-posix-seh-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) on Windows 10 and gcc version 7.5.0 (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) on hive machines.

Compilation: inside cpp_solver, run:

g++ -pthread -o solve *.cpp

Make sure that inputs and outputs folders created with proper subfolder structures, and are under the same directory as cpp_solver. Particularly, the folder outputs as well as large, medium, small, and log folders inside outputs must be created before the program is run.

Then, to start solving, run the following command inside cpp_solver:


The parameters are set to reproduce the outputs submitted (but only to a certain degree of accuracy see Note below for detail), and may take days to run. To speed up the process at an expense of optimality, change settings in main.cpp by decreasing alpha, maxRejections, epochSizeFactor, and initAccRate; maxRestarts is set to 0 by default as restarting gives minimal profit gain.

Note on the implementation for SASolver::getInitTemperature

There was a bug in the version that we used to generate most of the outputs. The function was written as follows.

double SASolver::getInitTemperature(Output &output, std::mt19937_64 &gen, double initAccRate) {
    int n = input.size();
    int posCount = 0;
    int negCount = 0;
    double posDelta = 0.0;
    double negDelta = 0.0;
    int index1, index2;
    double currProfit = output.evaluate(input);
    for (int i = 0; i < L; ++i) {
        double newProfit = perturb(output, index1, index2, gen);
        if (newProfit > currProfit) {
            posDelta += newProfit - currProfit;
        } else {
            negDelta += currProfit - newProfit;
        output.swapTasks(index1, index2);
    if (negCount > 10 * posCount) {
        return negDelta / negCount / std::log(1 / initAccRate);
    } else {
        return posDelta / posCount / std::log(1 / initAccRate);

In an attempt to cover an edge case in which the starting sequence happens to be a local minimum in terms of profit. The function should use the average increase in profit to calculate the initial temperature, so the function should instead end with

    if (posCount > 10 * negCount) {
        return posDelta / posCount / std::log(1 / initAccRate);
    } else {
        return negDelta / negCount / std::log(1 / initAccRate);

The bug was not discovered until most of the computation was done over a couple of days and there was not enough time to regenerate new outputs. Luckily, it turned out that the bug did not negatively affect the performance by a huge amount.

To reproduce the output that are submitted, replace the implementation in "sasolver.cpp" with this erroneous implementation and rebuild.