Pinned Repositories
Asteroid Juggler Is a static javascript website, built to have a UX similar to that of a '70s arcade game. Fully responsive, play on a full computer or your mobile device
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
In this deliverable, you will perform daily JavaScript challenges over the course of the entire immersive. These will escalate in difficulty and be turned in once at the end of Week 11.
I had such a great time creating this PERN stack with my cohort-mates! This turned out to be a great and interactive video game blog where users can search for games and leave comments.
This MERN stack web app acts as a resource library for developers. Found a useful resource? Copy the link and make a post, someone else might need it just as bad as you did.
I wanted to challenge myself to build as robust a backend as I possibly could while also showcase my front end UI styling prowess.
Shoe posting site
My first crack at game logic had me pulling out my hair. It was surreal going back over it to make it mobile responsive because I can now appreciate how simple and elegant it really is and laugh at myself for ever allowing it to stress me out.
It was so gratifying to take a second crack at using the TMDB API to create an interesting web app. I think this version is much closer to what a business would want and the growth between the two apps is INSANE.
samanhg47's Repositories
Shoe posting site
Asteroid Juggler Is a static javascript website, built to have a UX similar to that of a '70s arcade game. Fully responsive, play on a full computer or your mobile device
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
In this deliverable, you will perform daily JavaScript challenges over the course of the entire immersive. These will escalate in difficulty and be turned in once at the end of Week 11.
I had such a great time creating this PERN stack with my cohort-mates! This turned out to be a great and interactive video game blog where users can search for games and leave comments.
This MERN stack web app acts as a resource library for developers. Found a useful resource? Copy the link and make a post, someone else might need it just as bad as you did.
I wanted to challenge myself to build as robust a backend as I possibly could while also showcase my front end UI styling prowess.
My first crack at game logic had me pulling out my hair. It was surreal going back over it to make it mobile responsive because I can now appreciate how simple and elegant it really is and laugh at myself for ever allowing it to stress me out.
It was so gratifying to take a second crack at using the TMDB API to create an interesting web app. I think this version is much closer to what a business would want and the growth between the two apps is INSANE.
The proxy used by @dhaiwat10/react-link-preview to fetch metadata for URLs.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Use these guidelines when submitting a pull request.
This is the Assessment for Unit 1.