
An app using Java and JavaFx to manage (create, modify, delete) customers and appointments. Customer and appt data is stored in a MySQL database. It doesn't allow the creation of appts outside business hours or during already scheduled appts. It adjusts times based on user login location and logs login attempts. Documentation w/ Javadoc

Primary LanguageJava

Appointment Management System

The Appointment Management System is an application that allows users to add customers and schedule appointments. It utilizes JavaFX to create a simple and intuitive menu. The application supports creating, modifying, and deleting appointment and customer data, which is stored in a MySQL database. The login screen keeps track of successful and unsuccessful login attempts. All appointment times adjust based on the user's location, and appointments can only be created during business hours in Eastern time. Basic error handling and data verification checks are implemented, and the application also includes a few simple reports. The Login menu can be translated into French based on the user's language settings.



  • Intellij IDEA 2021.3.3
  • JDK 17.0.3
  • JavaFX SDK 11.0.2
  • MySQL Connector 8.0.25

Getting Started

  1. Launch the application.
  2. Log in with the following credentials:
    • Username: test
    • Password: test