[Dataset Title/Name]: Gridded Livestock Density Database for Kazakhstan (2000-2019)
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Dataset description
This dataset provides medium-resolution (1 km) gridded livestock density estimates for horses and small ruminants (sheep and goats) in Kazakhstan from 2000 to 2019. The database was developed using random forest regression modeling, incorporating vegetation proxies, climatic factors, socioeconomic variables, topographic data, and proximity forcing variables.
Each file is saved with an acronym of ‘sheep_goat’ for small ruminants (Sheep & goat combined) and ‘horse’ for horses, followed by an underscore and a year. Missing data are represented by “No data.”
For detailed methodology, validation results, and further insights, please refer to the associated publication: "Gridded livestock density database and spatial trends for Kazakhstan"
Citations: Kolluru, V., John, R., Saraf, S. et al. Gridded livestock density database and spatial trends for Kazakhstan. Sci Data 10, 839 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02736-5
Earth Engine Snippet if dataset already in GEE
//load the collections
var sheep_goat_collection = ee.Image('projects/ee-venkateshkolluru95/assets/Sheep_Goat_Density_Database');
var horse_collection = ee.Image('projects/ee-venkateshkolluru95/assets/Horse_Density_Database');
// Function to download a specific year band from the collection
function downloadBand(collection, year, prefix) {
var bandName = prefix + year;
var band = collection.select(bandName);
if (band) {
var region = collection.geometry().bounds();
image: band,
description: prefix + '_' + year,
scale: 1000,
region: region,
fileFormat: 'GeoTIFF'
print('Exporting band:', bandName);
} else {
print('Band not found:', bandName);
// Example: To download band for Sheep Goat collection for year 2010
downloadBand(sheep_goat_collection, 2010, 'sheep_goat_');
// Example: To download band for Horse collection for year 2010
downloadBand(horse_collection, 2010, 'horse_');
// Function to download all bands at once
function downloadAllBands(collection, prefix) {
var bands = collection.bandNames();
bands.evaluate(function(bandList) {
bandList.forEach(function(band) {
var bandImage = collection.select(band);
if (bandImage) {
image: bandImage,
description: prefix + band,
scale: 1000,
region: collection.geometry().bounds(),
fileFormat: 'GeoTIFF'
// Uncomment to download all bands for Sheep Goat collection
// downloadAllBands(sheep_goat_collection, 'sheep_goat_');
// Uncomment to download all bands for Horse collection
// downloadAllBands(horse_collection, 'horse_');
Map.addLayer(sheep_goat_collection.select('sheep_goat_2019'), {min: 0, max: 200, palette: [ '#e0f3f8', '#4575b4', '#313695', '#fee090', '#fc8d59', '#d73027']}, 'sheep_goat_2019');
//Map.addLayer(horse_collection.select('horse_2019'), {min: 0, max: 30, palette: [ '#e0f3f8', '#4575b4', '#313695', '#fee090', '#fc8d59', '#d73027']}, 'Horse_2019');
// Center the map on the collection
Enter license information
[CC BY 4.0] (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
livestock; Kazakhstan; horse; sheep; goat; grazing; animals
Code of Conduct
- I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct
Data Download Link: Yes—I Uploaded to GEE, see above post, copy and past everything
Citation: Yes - see details above.
License for Use: Yes - data is available under CC BY 4.0