Community Datasets added by users and made available for use at large
- 0
- 20
[Dataset Title/Name]: Global surface and canopy urban heat island intensity dataset
#276 opened by TC25 - 2
- 0
Global potential for natural regeneration in deforested tropical regions (
#316 opened by RSO9192 - 0
- 0
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Relative Wealth Index
#313 opened by Geethen - 3
[Dataset Title/Name]: LGHAP v2 : a global gap-free aerosol optical depth and PM 2.5 concentration dataset
#301 opened by Wolf-Bigby - 3
[Dataset Title/Name]: GloUTCI-M: A Global Monthly 1 km Universal Thermal Climate Index Dataset from 2000 to 2022
#299 opened by wangyuan074 - 1
[Dataset Title/Name]: Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) L4 Global Agricultural Drought Index
#309 opened by pinkychow1010 - 1
[Dataset Title/Name]: Harmonized Database of Western U.S. Water Rights (HarDWR)
#308 opened by QiangyuLi - 1
- 1
LEarning Surface Ozone (LESO)
#311 opened by soonyenju - 4
[Dataset Title/Name]: Maps of Inundation Fraction from NASA's CYGNSS Mission
#307 opened by claraatmuon - 2
- 0
NPKGRIDS: a global georeferenced dataset of N, P2O5, and K2O fertilizer application rates for 173 crops
#306 opened by RSO9192 - 1
[ Global Natural and Planted Forests Mapping at Fine Spatial Resolution of 30 m]:
#292 opened by astridverhegghen - 0
- 4
Predicted Peat extent across Amazon basin
#300 opened by ahastie8 - 2
[Dataset Title/Name]: Gridded Livestock Density Database for Kazakhstan (2000-2019)
#289 opened by venkateshkolluru95 - 1
[Dataset/Title]: SANLC
#303 opened by Geethen - 1
[Dataset/Title]: CEMS Fire Danger Indices
#296 opened by andrewclelland - 3
Canada Annual Tree Species 1984-2022
#298 opened by S-Bronson - 3
- 2
[Dataset Title/Name]: GLObal Building heights for Urban Studies (UT-GLOBUS) for city- and street- scale urban simulations: Development and first applications
#295 opened by manmeet3591 - 2
[GCI30 Global Cropping Intensity at 30m resolution]:
#286 opened by JinsuElhance - 0
#294 opened by Ahmadhaseeb1992 - 2
[Dataset Title/Name]: GEDI L4C Footprint Level Waveform Structural Complexity Index, Version 2
#284 opened by puzhao8 - 0
- 1
- 1
Congo Basin Forest Roads
#290 opened by samapriya - 5
Carbon Security Index
#270 opened by rococonnor - 1
[Dataset/Title]: Global Mangrove Watch version 4
#281 opened by rs9w33 - 3
Areas of global conservation value
#275 opened by pinkychow1010 - 0
- 1
Canadian Satellite-Based Forest Inventory (SBFI)
#280 opened by S-Bronson - 1
[Dataset Title/Name]: A high spatial resolution Extended Spring Indices database
#282 opened by EIzquierdo - 3
Canada 2023 Wildfires
#263 opened by S-Bronson - 1
- 1
[Dataset Title/Name]: The Global Land Cover and Land Use Change, 2000-2020
#278 opened by pinkychow1010 - 1
[Dataset Title/Name]: The Global Lakes and Wetlands Database (GLWD) version 2
#277 opened by pinkychow1010 - 1
[Bug]: LA is gone? GLC_FCS30D possible bug
#279 opened by davidtheobald8 - 1
Cyanobacteria Aggregated Manual Labels (CAML)
#269 opened by samapriya - 1
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ETH Global Sentinel-2 10m Canopy Height (2020)
#274 opened by pinkychow1010 - 1
Global Shoreline Dataset
#265 opened by spatialthoughts - 1
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Monthly fCOVER, fAPAR and Leaf Area Index of Canada from Medium Resolution Satellite Imagery[Dataset Title/Name]:
#264 opened by rfernand387