
[Dataset Title/Name]: LGHAP v2 : a global gap-free aerosol optical depth and PM 2.5 concentration dataset

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A Long-term Gap-free High-resolution Air Pollutants concentration dataset (abbreviated as LGHAP) is of great significance for environmental management and earth system science analysis. In the current release of LGHAP dataset (LGHAP v2), we provide 22-year-long gap free aerosol optical depth (AOD) and near-surface PM2.5 concentrations with daily 1-km resolution covering the global land area from 2000 to 2021. Leveraging an improved big earth data analytic framework with attention-reinforced tensor construction and adaptive background information updating schemes, gap-free AOD grids were firstly derived via an integration of multimodal AODs and air quality measurements acquired from diverse satellites, ground monitors, and numerical models. For better predicting PM2.5 concentration across the globe, a scene-aware ensemble learning graph attention network (SCAGAT) was then developed to account for large modeling bias over regions with limited or even none in situ air quality measurements. These datasets were archived in the NetCDF (nc) format, while data in every year were archived as an individual submission. Python, MATLAB, R, and IDL codes were also provided to help users read and visualize the LGHAP v2 data.

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Reference:Bai, K., Li, K., Shao, L., Li, X., Liu, C., Li, Z., Ma, M., Han, D., Sun, Y., Zheng, Z., Li, R., Chang, N.-B., & Guo, J. (2024). LGHAP v2: a global gap-free aerosol optical depth and PM 2.5 concentration dataset since 2000 derived via big Earth data analytics. Earth System Science Data, 16(5), 2425–2448.

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PM2.5;Air Pollution

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Data Download Link: Yes—It is available for download at zenodo; Not Uploaded to GEE This looks like it's only 2009 data.
Citation: Yes - see details above.
License for Use: Yes - data is available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

@samapriya Data Download Link: Yes—It is available for download at zenodo; Not Uploaded to GEE This looks like it's only 2009 data. Citation: Yes - see details above. License for Use: Yes - data is available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Zenodo link is updated:
it offers data from 2000-2021

@samapriya Data Download Link: Yes—It is available for download at zenodo; Not Uploaded to GEE This looks like it's only 2009 data. Citation: Yes - see details above. License for Use: Yes - data is available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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