
[Dataset Title/Name]: GLOSIS - Global Soil Organic Carbon Map v1.5

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Dataset description

Dataset Description

Published by Global Soil Partnership & Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Land and Water Division (CBL), GSOCmap (v1.5, data revision: 2019-06-01) is the first global soil organic carbon map ever produced through a consultative and participatory process involving member countries, which makes this map totally new and unique. In fact, the map was prepared by member countries, under the guidance of the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils and the Global Soil Partnership Secretariat. Countries agreed on the methodology to produce the map and were trained on modern tools and methodologies to develop national maps. The Global Soil Partnership then gathered all national maps to produce the final product, ensuring a thorough harmonization process.

File Format: GeoTIFF
Units: Tonnes per Hectare
Resolution: approx. 926 meters

Contact points
Metadata Contact: CBL Global Soil Partnership
Resource Contact: Yusuf Yigini

Technical Report

Download Link

FAO and ITPS. 2020. Global Soil Organic Carbon Map V1.5: Technical report. Rome, FAO.


Earth Engine Snippet if dataset already in GEE

var gsoc = ee.Image("/GSOCmap");
Map.addLayer(gsoc, {min: 0, max:200, palette: ['white','green']}, 'Soil Organic Carbon');

Enter license information

CC BY 4.0 licence


soil organic matter, carbon stock assessments, soil, carbon

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  • I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct

@pinkychow1010, it looks like the GEE code snippet you provided doesn't work. Is it on GEE yet, or should we download it from the link?