A script that can find a TSP solution to a set of cartesian nodes either by Branch and Bound, or Random Insertion heuristic

Primary LanguageC++

There are four input files, sample-ab.txt, sample-c.txt,
sample-d.txt, and sample-e.txt.
  sample-ab.txt has 10000 vertices, sample-c.txt and sample-d.txt
  each have 30, sample-e.txt has 11 vertices.

There are output files for sample-ab.txt run with MST and FASTTSP,
while samples c-e were run with all 3 modes.

The file sample-d.txt is the same as sample-c.txt, EXCEPT
that it has been shifted up and to the right by 50, putting all
vertices in Quadrant 1 of the graph.  If you get the same answers
when running samples c and d in MST mode, and sample c output is
wrong, it's because you forgot to account for transitioning from
one region to another.  When running OPTTSP, if you get sample d
right but sample c wrong, it's because you forgot that in FAST
and OPT, you DO NOT consider the border between regions.

The file sample-e.txt has 11 vertices selected from sample d;
the vertices were selected so that our fast and optimal solutions
give different output.  This test case should help with debugging
OPTTSP mode.